긴급히 도움요청합니다

마루 2 14,646 2008.10.27 13:31

Looking at the Korean website I can't make much out of it. Finaly we have been able to get Japenese and Chinese to boot from CD. Japenese is already very far. Its still needs translation work. Traditional Chinese is being worked as well.

Simplefied is going into CVS but we are looking for translators.

You also want to see if a Korean version can be created ?

Best regards,

그래서 저누마가 원하는게 뭐죠?


바그네리안 2008.10.27 14:53
일본어 버전은 웬만큼 되어 있고, 중국어는 간체자 버전 때문에 번역자를 구하고 있는데, 한국어 버전도 필요하냐는 얘기 같네요. 맥락을 모르니 잘은 모르겠지만요.
홍진석 2008.10.28 07:56
대략 그런거같네요 ㅇㅇ; 음; 단도직입적으로 애기하면 간단할텐데 말이져 ㅇㅇ;;
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