하나 더 요

마루 1 15,771 2008.10.27 16:47

Hello everybody,

Over the last couple of weeks Alex Taylor has been working very hard to get MCP 2 Japenese and Tradiotnal Chinese into
the CVS build system checked in. Over the last 4 weeks Joachim, me (Roderick) and Steve Levine have been busy switching eCS 2.0 over to the SMP kernel by default. This is needed for ACPI and
machines with 4 GB of ram (don't worry the SMP kernel is for SMP (multi CPU support but can run on machines with 1 CPU as well).

Is there anybody out there on the one of the mailing lists that is running

MPC 2 in

Simplefied Chinese
Tradiotnal Chinese with SMP kernel and with SNAP or other GRADD based driver ?

In eCS 2.0 we use the SMP kernel 104a and basicly the VDM session for video support eats up the CPU or the machine traps. Is there anybody who has encountered this ? Or found a work around ?

Please let me now.


일본어판이나 중국어판 SMP 혹은 SNAP 혹은 GRADD 기반 드라이버 쓰시는 분 있어요?


홍진석 2008.10.28 07:59
음.. 저는 차집합 영역인 것 같습니다;;
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