Xit 2.4

마루 0 10,258 2021.08.24 01:48

Program:             Xit

Version:             2.4

Publisher:           CodeSmith Software, RR 1, S-2, C-23

                     Fernie, BC, Canada V0B 1M0  (Internet: mshill@elkvalley.net)

Preferred Filename:  XIT24.ZIP

System Requirements: OS/2 2.0 or later, any desktop manager (WPS, Filebar, etc)

Description:         Desktop enhancement utility. Add user defined titlebar

                     buttons on left or right side. Completely configurable.

                     Also supports keys and middle/right mouse button actions.

Keywords:            Utility, Desktop, OS/2, Xit


Permission is granted to individuals charging no fees, and to BBSes,

User Groups, Mail-Order Disk Vendors, CD-ROM publishers, and BBS

File-Distribution Networks regardless of fees, to distribute Xit,

provided they convey a complete and unaltered copy of the shareware version

of this product, and provided they claim no ownership of these products.

Distribution by other channels, and distribution of modified versions, are

also allowed, but only with written permission from CodeSmith Software.

Permission to distribute these products is not transferable, assignable,

saleable, or franchisable.  Each vendor wishing to distribute these

products must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution


CodeSmith Software may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying

you in writing.


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  • 전체 게시물 3,166 개
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  • 전체 회원수 117 명

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