Inside the OS/2 personality of Windows NT 3.x

마루 0 5,463 2023.07.03 11:10

Originally, OS/2 was a joint development between Microsoft and IBM. Though eventually they split up, and Microsoft went on to emerge Windows NT from what was originally known as NT OS/2 3.0. So does Windows NT have an OS/2 personality after all? The Operating System known as Windows NT shares many similarities with DEC's VMS. Not for bad reason, as Microsoft hired renowned developer David N. Cutler to take the lead on the next iteration of OS/2 3.0. However, the project took an entirely different direction, with OS/2 ending up just one of 4, later 5 operating system subsystems hidden inside Windows NT. Today we look into the OS/2 personality of Windows NT 3.x, and how compatible it actually was. 00:00 Intro 01:49 Installation Troubles on Real Hardware 03:13 Patching the Installer Disk 03:57 A Change in Tactis: Using Another System 04:30 Let's Go Virtual with PCEM 06:00 A first look at Microsoft OS/2 1.3 07:31 Adding missing Features 08:56 Microsoft Word and Excel on OS/2 10:52 WLO ("Willow") and the Windows 3.0 applets for OS/2 12:12 Conclusion 13:23 Credits Links: Wikipedia on OS/2: OS/2 Museum: OS/2 1.x on Patching OS/2 1.x for fast machines: Wikiedia about WLO (Windows Libraries for OS/2); Downloading WLO (via Internet Archive): Visit also THE PHINTAGE COLLECTOR website at for insights into my retro computer collection. Copyright @ 2023 THE PHINTAGE COLLECTOR, Gianpaolo Del Matto. All rights reserved. Theme Music composed by Abdallah El-Ghannam. 


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