Let's Install OS/2!

마루 0 12,328 2020.06.01 16:06

► Skip ahead to OS/2 Details: https://youtu.be/mhKkTL90jBg#t=02m7s Ever heard of OS/2? It's pretty obscure, but it played an important part in modern computing history. Warm up the CRT, it's time for another episode! ► About OS/2【https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OS/2】 ► SCSI2SD Device【http://shop.codesrc.com/index.php?rou... ► eComStation【http://www.ecomstation.com/】 ► Arca Noae Blue Lion (ArcaOS)【https://www.arcanoae.com/blue-lion/】 ► Check out my computer museum! 【http://inanis.net/museum】 


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