"ArcaOS (the new OS/2) Review" - Lunduke Hour - June 6, 2017

마루 0 12,965 2020.06.01 16:04

In this episode of the Lunduke Hour I review the newly released ArcaOS -- a new version of OS/2 that has been reverse-engineered and updated for modern hardware (and includes modern software such as Firefox). ArcaOS: https://www.arcanoae.com/arcaos/ == This episode sponsored by == System76: https://system76.com Pogo Linux: http://www.pogolinux.com/ == More about me == Like what I do? Want the audio podcast RSS feed version of this show? https://www.patreon.com/bryanlunduke My e-books, Cost-free & DRM-free, under the Creative Commons license: http://lunduke.com/book-store/ 


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