Are macOS and FreeBSD the same Operating System?

마루 0 5,923 2023.05.04 13:35

#FreeBSD #OpenSource #Unix #macos #garyhtech #2023 Are macOS and FreeBSD the same OS but one with a fancy polished Graphical User Interface? Let's explore that in this video! Don't forget to check out my Discord server where you can talk open source operating systems and software FOSS FreeBSD Handbook FreeBSD Networking FreeBSD PKG FreeBSD ports tree macOS 00:00 Intro 00:24 macOS and FreeBSD 01:19 Let's see what wikipedia says 02:34 macOS uname -a 03:00 About this Mac 05:57 FreeBSD myths 08:13 Conclusions 09:11 Outro


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