Announcing WSE 2025

PMShell 0 8 03.21 11:08

Announcing WSE 2025

The board of VOICE International is pleased to announce that Warpstock Europe 2025 will be held on May 16, 17 and 18 in the city of Amersfoort, the Netherlands. Again there will be 3 days of OS/2 presentations and hands-on experience, but also an extra social event (remember Berlin and Rotterdam?)

The conference will be held in ZO Amersfoort, a mix of office spaces and conference rooms at just 5 minutes walk from Amersfoort Central station. We have the whole building to ourselves from 9:00 in the morning until 22:00 in the evening. Tickets cost €55,00 per day and include lunch on Friday and Sunday.

The schedule can be found here. Information on how to get there and where to stay is here.

The city

Amersfoort is famous for the painter Mondriaan who was born there. It has a well-preserved medieval city centre with part of the original city wall still intact; it even still has the full moat that runs around the walls. Where the water leaves the city there is the "Koppelpoort" (shown in the image at the top of the page), a combined water- and roadgate.

The city is centrally located in the Netherlands, at the crossing of two major highways and is well-connected by trains.



Logos for WSE 2025

Below are links to the banner and logo for Warpstock Europe 2025. The banner is based on an abstract rendition of the Koppelpoort, a combined water and road gate at the northern part of the city. The inside is colored in a pattern similar to paintings by Piet Mondriaan.


wse 2025 banner

The banner has a 16:9 aspect ratio and is available in two versions: with green background and with transparant background.


wse 2025 logo

The logo is square and highlights the central water gate. This too comes in two versions: green background and transparent background.



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