Updated history of eComStation

마루 0 23,381 2008.08.17 12:16
http://www.ecomstation.com/news.phtml?action=fullnews&id=2677&title=Updated%20history%20of%20eComStation Updated history of eComStation

July 22, 2008 by Eugene Gorbunoff

The history of eComStation is updated -- http://ru.ecomstation.ru/showarticle.php?id=163
(russian text, use Google to translate),
Where is english version of the history?!

eComStation history: http://ecomstation.ru/pic/history/hist4a.png

Other interesting links for fans:
* Mensys catalogue with software for IBM OS/2 Warp (Year: 1997, prices in Dutch Guilder!) -- http://ecomstation.ru/projects/reseller/mensys-catalogue.html
* eComStation attributes -- http://ecomstation.ru/projects/attributes/?action=artwork
* eComStation merchandise -- http://forum.ecomstation.ru/viewtopic.php?f=25&p=8713#p8713
* Gallery of eComStation desktops -- http://ecomstation.ru/projects/eschemes/eschemes-gallery.phtml


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