Test version of the new QT based browser can be downloaded!

Test version of the new QT based browser can be downloaded!

Bitwise Works has already included in an announcement on 18th of January a link where you can download the test version of the new QT based web browser. While work continues on the new Otter browser for ArcaOS and OS/2 we have released a new version you can download here:


This new 7z archive includes a new readme.txt with detailed information how to setup the QT test browser and how to run it.

The 7z file needs to unpacked to a directory on your hard drive. You can use the Archive Tool that is build into ArcaOS for this.

Follow the instructions in readme.txt how to setup the new QT based browser. Please read the complete readme.txt file carefully.

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Best regards,

Roderick Klein
President OS/2 VOICE


와우. 로데릭 클라인이 어느 정도 작업을 하긴 했네요.


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