Announcing the OS/2 and eComStation Developers Workshop 2008

마루 0 23,713 2007.08.28 08:30 Announcing the OS/2 and eComStation Developers Workshop 2008

August 22, 2007 by Netlabs Team

++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service ++

From: Netlabs Team

Today, Team OS/2 Ruhr e.V. and are announcing the OS/2 and eComStation Developers Workshop 2008!

Yes, you heard right, 2008! We are very happy to be able to announce the next gathering of OS/2 and eComStation developers more than 8 months in advance.

The OS/2 and eComStation Developers Workshop 2008 will be held in the city of Duesseldorf, Germany, on the weekend of 3rd and 4th May 2008. It follows the tradition of organizing an event for developers once every year. The last workshop was held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and in 2006 the
workshop was held in Biel, Switzerland. The first workshop was held in 2005 in Dresden, Germany.

The Developers Workshop once again is the hotspot and place to be to get all the latest news from and insights into the development community for the OS/2 and eComStation platform as well as for the Voyager
Project, intending to build a successor to the current eComStation product.

This years workshop will be held in the City Youth Hostel of the city of Duesseldorf, Germany. This Hostel is located right to the Rhine, and opposite of the famous old town of Duesseldorf. Be prepared for a spectacular sight onto the Rhine from our conference room!

If you are developing software for OS/2 or eComStation and want to participate in the workshop, please visit the workshop homepage and send an email to the

This event is a great gathering and is being organized for the fourth time now by volunteers. We try to keep costs as low as possible and we would like to ask you to register as early as possible, so that we can provide appropriate room for all of us in the Youth Hostel. While students don't
need to pay, they are required to register, speakers do neither need to pay nor register. Tickets can be purchased through the Mensys Online shop starting September 2007!

Workshop homepage
Contact email:
Team OS/2 Ruhr e.V.


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