Port of GCC 4.0.4 available

마루 0 24,074 2008.10.08 17:31
http://www.ecomstation.com/news.phtml?action=fullnews&id=2731&title=Port%20of%20GCC%204.0.4%20available Port of GCC 4.0.4 available

October 04, 2008 by Paul Smedley

++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service http://www.os2voice.org ++

From: Paul Smedley

Hi All,

A preliminary port of GCC 4.0.4 is now available.

Seems to do most of the things that GCC 3.4.6 can do - EXCEPT build Mozilla
- that fails build javascript with some 'declaration of C function xxxxx
conflicts with previous declaration yyyyyyy' errors to do with
js_static_assert that I need to investigate.

Binary & patches available from

폴 스메들리씨가 고생이 많군요.


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