New program for eComStation - Virtual Keyboard/2

마루 0 26,030 2009.11.10 17:08 New program for eComStation - Virtual Keyboard/2

November 05, 2009 by eugenegorbunoff@mail.ruDESPAM

We are proud to present new program for eComStation: Virtual keyboard/2 (VKeyb).

Ideal for using on Ultra-Mobile PC, Tablet PC, Panel PC and kiosk.  Moreover the keyboard is useful for those who type text/email on foreign language. No need to keep in memory the codes of umlauts - use Virtual Keyboard/2.

How to use?
* Install the program (it is distributed as WarpIn package)
* Start the keyboard: Programs -> Utilities -> Keyboard (or System Setup -> Keyboard)
* Use small icon (left, top) to change layout, to setup the utility.

Send us your suggestions and testimonials!


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