Getting Started With GhostBSD - Video 3

PMShell 0 8,710 2022.02.27 12:42

GhostBSD provides a simple desktop-oriented operating system based on FreeBSD with MATE and OS packages for simplicity. In addition, GhostBSD has a selection of commonly used software preinstalled to make it easy on your computing journey. This short video series will try to ease your journey from downloading to installation - from adding users to updating the system - and from using the system for serious to less serious pursuits..... Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 0:15 - Customising GhostBSD 16:47 - Installing Another Desktop (or three) ----------- Music: Zoom - Vibe Tracks ----------- #RoboNuggie #FreeBSD #GhostBSD #FuryBSD #NomadBSD #BSD 


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