Warpstock Europe 2006 countdown

http://www.ecomstation.com/news.phtml?action=fullnews&id=1881&title=Warpstock%20Europe%202006%20countdownovember 06, 2006 by The Warpstock Europe 2006 organisation team

Hello from the Warpstock Europe 2006 organization team.

This years community conference is now less than two weeks ahead. If you haven't decided yet whether to attend or not, here's some facts that you might consider:
- meet developers in person
- get experts and fellow users solving your problems immediately
- get the picture about the future of OS/2 and eComStation
- hear the latest gossip and finally, this one is very important:
- feel that you're part of a large community of OS/2 and eCS users!

At Cologne, we will have 3 session rooms on Friday and 4 (!) rooms on Saturday and Sunday. This totals in an amount of 73 slots of 45 minutes... or to put it that way: 3.285 minutes (54,75 hours) of first-class presentation! Okay, you won't be able to attend all presentations simultaneously, so given the fact that you attend only Saturday for example, you'll get 5,25 hours at 10 Euro - this means a price of 1,90 Euro
per hour of presentation. That's almost cheaper than fuel and cigarettes nowadays! :-)

And remember:
The most priceless time is the breaks for enjoying talks and the evening hours when we'll gather as a community!

What is offered "between the breaks"?
Besides WPA security on eComStation, Voyager, eCS 2.0, OpenOffice 2.0 and the most current release of the Netlabs EPM, you'll be able to learn about...:
- Programming in PASCAL with WDSibyl
- using the Unicode API
- determination and resolution of OS/2 problems
- how to install eCS on the latest and hottest hardware

Also, we've got a lot of stuff for running your own Internet servers (or learn how to do it better) with sessions about
- installing an OAMP server (OS/2, Apache, MySQL, PHP)
- installing a Typo/3 on top of that
- running and using the Typo/3 CMS on your server

If programming or webmastering is not for you, get yourself into translation of software or writing articles for the IT press (online and print media) with a focus on OS/2 or see CUPS eCS in action or listen to famous Peter Weilbacher (the maintainer of the ports of Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey etc.) who'll talk about what programming in the Mozilla universe is like.

If you prefer being a user only, then learn how to create DVDs (including menus and all these gimmicks) on eCS, the latest news about Clipview and Maul, how to script your WPS the easy way, master the use of the incredibly feature-rich DFSee tool, the eCS maintenance tool or how to beautify your

The lazy years of being a consumer are almost over! Adrian Gschwend (Netlabs) and Evgeny Gorbunov (eCO Software, Russia) will tell you what YOU can do for the future of our operating system(s).


Note that you'll be able to get lunch and dinner at the Youth Hostel for only 5 Euro per meal - both being organised in a "warm buffet" style.
Okay - did we persuade you to come to Cologne? Then get your ticket NOW at the Mensys online shop - it'll be closed on November 10th. After this date,
you'll be able only to get it at the events registration desk.

As of November 3rd, the youth hostel claimed to have still 100 free beds.
BUT: This are beds in dormitories (4 to 6 person rooms with ensuite shower and toilet) - not single or double rooms. If you don't like sharing rooms this way, there's plenty of boarding houses and of course hotels at Cologne. We've got some accommodations links published on the event website at
http://www.warpstock.eu Those among you that have a "camper car" (or whatever that is called - I don't know...) will be pleased to hear that the Youth Hostel has a dedicated parking for these vehicles open all year. Just take the right exit once you arrived on the Youth Hostel parking lot (there's a sign as well).

Well. That was our last attempt to get you to Cologne. :-)
Hope to meet you there!


- The Warpstock Europe 2006 organisation team -
Roderick Klein + Roland Schmalenberg + Thomas Klein  


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