Arca Noae progress report: ArcaOS in your language

Arca Noae progress report: ArcaOS in your language

Translation work continues for ArcaOS. General availability of German and Spanish editions of ArcaOS are anticipated for the 5.0.5 release, with more languages slated to follow. We are making tremendous strides toward achieving the goal of a non-English reader to be able to install and run ArcaOS with minimal effort.

Translators are invited to join a core team working on the project. If you have the linguistic skills, enjoy a challenge, and would like to participate in a truly fun and rewarding endeavor, please let us know. Translators automatically become members of the test team, with early access to development releases (among other benefits).

Potential localized versions of ArcaOS include:

  • German
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Italian
  • Dutch
  • Portuguese
  • Japanese
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Chinese (Traditioinal)
  • Korean
  • Russian

(This is by no means a promise to deliver any of the above. Partial work has at least been done on most of the above translations, however.)

Need a language not listed above? Need one of the above languages completed sooner? Talk to us about specific localization needs for your enterprise.

Don’t have ArcaOS yet? Now is a great time to pick up a license or two and replace that aging Warp 4 or eComStation installation and get to know what’s new and improved. ArcaOS runs the vast majority of existing OS/2 Warp 4 software, because it really is OS/2 ? just better. ArcaOS supports more modern hardware than any other OS/2 distribution available today, making hardware upgrades much easier than ever before.

This entry last updated: January 31st, 2020 by Lewis Rosenthal

This entry was posted in Arca NoaeArcaOSConsultingGeneralNews and tagged arcaosblue lioncompanycomponentsinfolocalizationnlvtranslation on January 31, 2020 by Lewis Rosenthal.


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