Thunderbird 3.0 on netlabs

마루 0 24,559 2010.01.02 23:36 Thunderbird 3.0 on netlabs

December 22, 2009 by

I've uploaded Thunderbird 3.0. to

I built it from the official source tarball. The only modifications
were to convert the line endings in Rexx files to DOS line endings and
to remove the configure files prior to start building. Thunderbird 3.0
was built with gcc-4.4.1 using -static-libgcc. Therefore, it should
run out of the box for everyone (w/o having to deal with a

This time I omitted to include lightning, cause in a build where I
included it, right after starting TB lightning throwed an error
message. I'll post a new lightning xpi when its possible and available
(hopefully soon).

I did not upload a special OS2 Readme, please be sure to carefully
read the one contained in the zip file. Moreover, many changes
happened since TB-2.0.0.x. Please carefully read the official release
notes, there _are_ known issues!
For instance, what I experienced to be a new behavior is that the
"reply", "forward" and other such buttons moved from the main toolbar
to the header section of each email.


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