whois v4.7.24 for OS/2

마루 0 25,548 2008.01.27 17:35
http://www.ecomstation.com/news.phtml?action=fullnews&id=2566&title=whois%20v4.7.24%20for%20OS/2 whois v4.7.24 for OS/2

January 19, 2008 by Ian Manners

++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service http://www.os2voice.org ++

From: Ian Manners

Whois v4.7.24 is a command line WHOIS client utility for checking domains
and IP address's in various whois databases on the internet.

Whois compiles with only minimal changes in the makefile (documented by the
original author Marco d'Itri). config.diff provided by Steven Levine for
turning on NLS support and long option support.

Also thank you to everyone that pointed out the above omissions, dont think
I would have ever noticed myself :o)

Whois v4.7.24 can be found at :-


hobbes in '/incoming', then '/pub/os2/apps/internet/misc',

or searching hobbes on whois http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/cgi-bin/h-search?key=whois

Ian Manners


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