Apache2 updated to v2.2.14

마루 0 23,841 2009.12.12 01:13
http://www.ecomstation.com/news.phtml?action=fullnews&id=3134&title=Apache2%20updated%20to%20v2.2.14 Apache2 updated to v2.2.14

November 21, 2009 by madodel@ptdprolog.net

Paul Smedley has updated Apache2 to version 2.2.14. os2ports.smedley.info/index.php

Apache is an open sourced web server. The Apache HTTP Server is a project of the Apache Software Foundation.

Changes in v2.2.14

* Updated to v2.2.13 source code

Download: download.smedley.info/httpd-2.2.14-os2-20091120.zip

Requires libc 0.6.3: ftp://ftp.netlabs.org/pub/gcc/libc-0.6.3-csd3.zip


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