ArcaOS Support & Maintenance subscription renewal window is closing

ArcaOS Support & Maintenance subscription renewal window is closing

If you’ve let your ArcaOS Support & Maintenance subscription lapse, now is the time to get back on track.

Until now, if you let your ArcaOS Support & Maintenance subscription expire, you would need to purchase a new ArcaOS license to reinstate support. We are making some changes to enable customers to reinstate an ArcaOS Support & Maintenance subscription without purchasing a new ArcaOS license.

For a limited time, we are allowing all who have allowed their ArcaOS Support & Maintenance subscriptions to expire — no matter how long expired — to reinstate them at current prices…but this window is closing rapidly. Once ArcaOS 5.0.5 is released (and that release is imminent), current ArcaOS licensees who have let their subscriptions lapse for six months or more will have to pay more to have their subscriptions reinstated for another full year. While this will still be less than the cost of purchasing a new license, it will be substantially more than the regular renewal price. This policy applies to personal as well as commercial licenses.

Please take a moment to log into your account at Arca Noae, locate your original ArcaOS order, and check to see when support is scheduled to expire (or has already expired) for your product. It is currently only possible to purchase one year of support per renewal, and only for the same number and type of ArcaOS licenses as were in the original order.

To review:

  • The cost of renewing ArcaOS Support & Maintenance subscriptions is not changing. You will continue to be able to renew your subscription for the same price, and you will still be able to take advantage of the 10% early renewal discount (this discount is reflected in the invoice total).
  • If you let your ArcaOS Support & Maintenance subscription expire, you will be able to reinstate it by paying the full renewal price any time withing six months of the expiration date. However, during this grace period, the subscription will only be reinstated for the original time period. You will not get “extra” time by reinstating your subscription late. In other words, if you renew on the last day of a six-month lapse would only extend coverage for six months!
  • If you let your ArcaOS Support & Maintenance subscription lapse for more than six months, the cost of a one-year personal edition Support & Maintenance subscription will retail for $128. For a commercial subscription, the price would be $228.

So if you have let your ArcaOS Support & Maintenance subscription lapse, now is the time to reinstate it. We urge all ArcaOS licensees to renew support early and take advantage of the 10% renewal discount for the best value in their subscriptions.

The online store should send renewal reminders 7 days before expiration, 3 days before, and finally on the expiration date; however, several factors may impact delivery or receipt of these reminders, including change of email address, spam filters, and other factors beyond our control. Check your account portal and make a note of your expiration date(s) so you don’t miss out!

Remember what your active Support & Maintenance subscription includes:

  • Access to professional support for your product (elevated priority for commercial licensees);
  • Access to the very latest drivers, fixes, features, and software included in ArcaOS or added later;
  • Access to the latest release of the same minor version of ArcaOS as originally purchased (so, a Support & Maintenance subscription for ArcaOS 5.0 provides access to all 5.0 releases, as they become available: 5.0, 5.0.1, 5.0.2, 5.0.3, 5.0.4, and the upcoming 5.0.5);
  • Future benefits when the next minor release of ArcaOS becomes available (5.1).

For more information on subscription services, check out our comparison page.

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