New driver packages released

New driver packages released

Arca Noae is pleased to announce the immediate availability of updates for ACPI, JFS, FAT32, and Panorama to match what is in the recently released ArcaOS v5.0.6.

If you updated to ArcaOS 5.0.6 you already have these updates. These updates are recommended for everyone.


  • The power manager in the daemon was enhanced to better handle multiple CPUs.
  • ACPICA was updated to the current version.


  • The boot loader has a fix that prevents an IPE if the boot volume has empty directories that are read before the IFS is loaded.


  • Improved cache performance and stability.
  • Better conformity with standards when formatting media.
  • Improved messages for errors and utilities, including cache control.
  • Improved disk check handling for mismatched FATs.


  • The Custom Resolution module was enhanced to better handle some types of Intel BIOS if patching is necessary.

For more information, please read the ReadMe for the specific package.

if you have problems with any of these drivers, please read the wiki first. If your problem cannot be resolved with the information in the wiki or the ReadMe, then the problem should be reported in the ticketing system.

If you have ArcaOS, these driver packages are available for download from the Arca Noae website as part of the Support & Maintenance subscription for your ArcaOS product. Please log into your account and see your ArcaOS order details page to access your software.

If you have an Arca Noae OS/2 & eCS Drivers and Software Subscription, these driver packages are available for download from the Arca Noae website as part of your Arca Noae OS/2 & eCS Drivers and Software Subscription. Please log into your account in order to access your software.

If you are still running OS/2 and/or eComStation systems and haven’t yet purchased a software subscription, this is a great reason to do so now. It may also be a good time to consider moving up to ArcaOS.

This entry was posted in Arca NoaeNew software releasesNews and tagged acpiarcaoscomponentsdriverpanoramashopstoretechupdatevideo on September 1, 2020 by David Azarewicz.


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