Alternative video drivers for eComStation

Alternative video drivers for eComStation

April 11, 2007 by Eugene Gorbunoff

Do you need new accelerated video drivers for eComStation?

eCo Software expected the problems with video drivers so the specialists started the research of video drivers in 2005. We made good analysis of video adapters market but started the development of drivers for other family of devices. We made many mistakes (not enough resources, very complex goals) but we made an attempt. 

We presented Panorama video driver at Warpstock Europe 2005 conference (Dresden, Germany).

Currently we have implemented support for ATI Radeon R100 and R200 families only: ATI Radeon 7000, 7200, 7500, Mobility Radeon 7000, 7500, ATI Radeon 8500, 8500DV, 8500LE, 9000, 9100, 9100IGP, 9200, 9200SE, 9250, Mobility Radeon 9000, 9200, 9250 

Panorama R200 offers 2D acceleration, other features. 
Please visit the homepage of Panorama R200 video driver --
Join Panorama forum --

What is the next step? How to run eComStation on modern video adapters? eComStation users do not agree purchase one model of eComStation PC. Every user purchases different set of hardware. How to break the "video drivers" barrier? --

eCo Software is the largest developer of software and drivers for eComStation today --


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