Vintage Computer Fest East 4.0

Vintage Computer Fest East 4.0

March 25, 2007 by Mark Dodel

++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service ++

From: Mark Dodel

The 4th annual Vintage Computer Festival East is being held on Saturday and Sunday, June 9-10, 2007, at the InfoAge Learning Center in Wall Township, New Jersey. This is the location where the OS/2 Museum items displayed at the previous couple of Warpstock events in North America are being housed.
The building housing the computer museum is not yet fully restored, but there are some small displays of older computers in the main lobby. At the event itself there will be examples of micro, mini and even mainframe computers from the past.

Last year I had an OS/2 timeline table with some of the vintage OS/2 machines on display. I wrote an article on my VCFE experience in the VOICE Newsletter
The exhibit won a second place award in the micro-computer category. It was really a fun time and there were quite a few attendees who talked to me about their OS/2 experiences. This year unfortunately I will be away the weekend of VCFE. So if there is anyone that would like to exhibit please let me know or you can contact VCFE directly off of the website -


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