Arca Noae turns 10

PMShell 0 1,725 2024.08.03 17:57


Arca Noae turns 10

Very quietly on July 28, Arca Noae, LLC marked its tenth year since its founding in 2014. On this occasion, we at Arca Noae would just like to take a moment to thank our valued customers, clients, and fans for their business, continued dedication to the OS/2 platform, and for their love of ArcaOS, from the warm reception we received at our humble beginnings to the overwhelming excitement at the initial release of ArcaOS Blue Lion nearly three years later, in 2017, and right up through our current versions and updates.

Last year, we released ArcaOS 5.1, which has been a major milestone in OS/2 history, as the first version capable of installing and booting on modern UEFI-based systems without the aid of a Compatibility Support Module (CSM), and the first version to be able to utilize GPT partitioned storage devices.

Today, we stand on the cusp of delivering ArcaOS 5.1.1, which promises to be the first ArcaOS version available in languages other than English, and is slated to include many fixes and enhancements to the installation process for 5.1.

Our continuing mission is to provide support for modern hardware on the OS/2 platform, to make ArcaOS easier to use and more functional for daily computing needs for home users, small-medium sized businesses, and enterprise customers. In that, we see no end in sight.

Thanks for traveling with us on our journey.

This entry last updated: August 2nd, 2024 by Lewis Rosenthal

This entry was posted in Arca NoaeNews and tagged arca noae package managerarcaosblue lionbusinesscompanyos/2software on August 2, 2024 by Lewis Rosenthal.


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