Warpstock Europe 2024, Rheine, Germany


Warpstock Europe 2024, Rheine, Germany

The OS/2 VOICE Foundation is pleased to announce that the working schedule for Warpstock Europe 2024 is now online. Warpstock Europe will be held June 7-9 in Rheine, Germany.

The event will be held in Hotel Lücke (the hotel’s site is available in English and German). Presenters and attendees should register with the hotel for sleeping accommodations. The discounted room rate for Warpstock Europe attendees is €104 per night, which includes breakfast.

VOICE is planning to provide a live video stream via YouTube, as well. Of course, the fullest Warpstock Europe experience is in person, where you have the ability to interact with presenters and other like-minded people. Please see the Warpstock Europe website for details.

Access for the 3-day event (including 2-course lunch each day) is €215. You may order your Warpstock Europe access through this link before May 24. For travel information and the schedule please visit the Warpstock Europe website.

Among other presenters, Arca Noae Managing Member, Lewis Rosenthal, will be on hand to present and to meet with attendees. Come join the discussion, and learn some new things about ArcaOS!

If you would like to present in person or remotely, please contact the VOICE President, Roderick Klein, via email at president AT os2voice DOT org. There are still presentation slots available, and some others have not yet been confirmed. (Note: Due to strict budget constraints, presenters must also purchase access to Warpstock Europe 2024.)

This entry last updated: March 25th, 2024 by Lewis Rosenthal

This entry was posted in CommunityNews and tagged arcaosblue lioneventhelpinfoos/2softwarewarpstockwarpstock europewse on March 25, 2024 by Lewis Rosenthal.


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