eCo Software Runtime packages updated to 20260126


eCo Software Runtime packages updated to 20260126

Arca Noae is pleased to announce the availability of updated eCo Software Runtime packages, downloadable from our downloadables page.

The eCo Software Runtime packages provide support libraries for several components of ArcaOS and eCS, as well as eCo Software applications. The Base, Net, and Win packages have been updated as of 2024-01-26. The Win update improves compatibility of the File Open Container (FOC) used by default in ArcaOS with the standard system file dialog, while some of the other updates address issues in other applications which utilize these libraries.

The eCo Software Runtime Toolkit has also been updated with this release.

These packages are provided by Arca Noae as a convenience to our customers, clients, and the community at large. Arca Noae does not produce these packages, and the software is provided “as is” without any warranty of any kind. Support for the eCo Software Runtime is provided by eCo Software, in their support forum.

This entry last updated: January 28th, 2024 by Lewis Rosenthal

This entry was posted in New software releases and tagged componentseco softwareruntimesoftwareupdate on January 28, 2024 by Lewis Rosenthal.


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