Warpstock 2023 - D2S05 - High-Resolution OS/2: The Sequel (2nd Take)

마루 0 4,426 2023.12.18 10:38

High-Resolution OS/2: The Sequel by Alex Taylor In this follow-up to last year's presentation "High Resolution OS/2", we take an updated look at how to use OS/2 on high-resolution screens without having to squint at tiny text and icons. This includes some new developments which make things simpler to manage. Also visit: http://www.warpstock.org/staticpages/... 


  • 현재 접속자 231 명
  • 오늘 방문자 663 명
  • 어제 방문자 1,468 명
  • 최대 방문자 11,402 명
  • 전체 방문자 2,939,322 명
  • 전체 게시물 3,160 개
  • 전체 댓글수 4,652 개
  • 전체 회원수 116 명

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