ArcaOS 5.0.8 now available


ArcaOS 5.0.8 now available

In our continuing commitment to ArcaOS 5.0 (Blue Lion), Arca Noae is pleased to announce the general availability of ArcaOS 5.0.8, the eighth maintenance release of the 5.0 line.

It should be noted that ArcaOS 5.1.0, the successor to the 5.0 line, is nearing availability. While ArcaOS 5.1.0 itself is ready, the production system which manages, builds, and distributes the new ISO images is not. However, the final testing of our updated production system is underway and nearing completion. In the interim, we are releasing ArcaOS 5.0.8 which can be distributed using the old production and distribution system.

ArcaOS 5.0.8 includes refreshed driver content, updated kernel and included software, as well as installation boot fixes since 5.0.7 was released at the end of 2021. It also rolls in a few fixes that come from our 5.1.0 development work. ArcaOS 5.0.8 can be used for new installs or to update any prior version of ArcaOS 5. If you have experienced difficulty installing previous releases of ArcaOS on your hardware, 5.0.8 may address your issue(s). If installing from USB stick, the USB install stick may be created using any major operating system at hand (Windows, Linux, MacOS, and of course, OS/2, eComStation, and ArcaOS). Once built, the USB stick can be inserted into any USB port in the target system to boot into the ArcaOS installer/updater.

For a complete list of updates in this release, see the ArcaOS wiki. Be sure to review the README.TXT, as well, as this contains critical information to ensure that you get up and running fast, and includes tips for getting things adjusted right away.

This update is included with your valid ArcaOS 5.0 Support & Maintenance subscription at no additional charge. To download your fresh ISO, simply visit your customer portal page and select the ArcaOS Download Center link on the navigation panel to the left. From there, click the “Request ISO build” button, select English language (ArcaOS 5.0.x is only available in English), and wait for your notification email.

If your ArcaOS 5.0 Support & Maintenance subscription has already expired, and you missed your window of opportunity to renew at regular rates, you may still renew at less than the cost of a new ArcaOS license. Also, your active ArcaOS 5.0 subscription will entitle you to a discount on your ArcaOS 5.1 upgrade purchase, when available.

This entry last updated: June 1st, 2023 by Lewis Rosenthal

This entry was posted in Arca NoaeArcaOSNew software releasesNews and tagged arcaosblue lionrefreshsubscriptionupdate on June 1, 2023 by Lewis Rosenthal.


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