helloSystem | A Simple And Elegant Operating System

마루 0 7,949 2023.02.09 13:02

HelloSystem is an interesting operating system from the person behind AppImage. It’s a desktop OS that’s designed to be elegant and simple to use. At the heart of helloSystem is FreeBSD which it’s based on. It’s intended to be a system for “mere mortals” and it’s look and feel should feel welcoming to traditional mac users. However helloSystem insists that this is more than just a theme or a clone of something that came before it. HelloSystem is a desktop operating system using the latest technologies and puts the user first giving them full control over their system. Chapters: 00:00 - Intro 01:03 - Installation 02:26 - Desktop 20:29 - Outro Learn more - https://hellosystem.github.io/docs/ If you enjoyed the video please consider subscribing to the channel so you don't miss out on future videos from Tyler's Tech. Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/tylerstechnow Distro poll - https://tylerstech.me/distro-poll/ Apple Podcast - https://tylerstech.me/apple Spotify Podcast - https://tylerstech.me/spotify Tyler's Tech Website - https://tylerstech.me Linux Forum - https://tylerstech.me/forum Odysee - https://odysee.com/$/invite/@tylerste... Twitter - http://twitter.com/tylertechnow Discord - https://tylerstech.me/discord Telegram - https://t.me/tylerstech 


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