ArcaOS 5.1 roadmap

PMShell 3 14,457 2020.03.04 19:39

Lewis Rosenthal, managing director of Arca Noae, looks forward to the upcoming releases of ArcaOS 5.0.4 and 5.1. Remote presentation by Skype. Note: we missed the first 30 seconds of audio so the presentation starts a bit abrupt. 


마루 2020.03.04 19:41
저 아저씨가 레위스 로젠탈이었다니.
흡혈양파 2020.03.11 16:24
......할일은 많고... 발전은 빠르고.. 개발자 머리수는 고만고만하고. 들어갈 돈은 없고......

뭐.... 다들 비슷하게 사는거겠죠?.... 크흑.. T.T
마루 2020.03.12 02:10
크흑 ㅠ ㅠ
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