[문서] The OS/2 Warp 4 CID Software Distribution Guide

마루 0 17,716 2019.10.20 14:22

This redbook describes the CID (Configuration, Installation and Distribution)

enablement of OS/2 Warp 4 with all its subcomponents. It is also a handbook

that provides step-by-step guidance in all phases of the usage and

administration of the OS/2 base operating system, such as SEINST and the

CLIFI (Command Line Interface Feature Installer, introduced with OS/2 Warp

4 for the first time), its subcomponents and main OS/2 products for the

implementation of CID in an OS/2 LAN environment using LCU (LAN CID

Utility), NetView DM/2 or TME 10 SD 3.1.3.

This document is intended for workstation specialists and system technical

personnel responsible for mass distribution of OS/2 products in an OS/2

Warp 4 LAN. Some knowledge of LAN redirection principles and TCP/IP is

assumed. This redbook solemly focuses on OS/2 Warp 4. If CID-related

information is needed for previous OS/2 versions, such as OS/2 Warp

Connect or even OS/2 V2.11, or about software distribution techniques other

than those mentioned above, you need to obtain the redbook titled OS/2

Installation Techniques: The CID Guide, SG24-4295.

This redbook gives a broad understanding of a new features introduced with

OS/2 Warp 4 that were not available with previous OS/2 versions. It is

essential to know about these new features, such as Feature Installer (FI), to

successfully make use of them and distribute OS/2 Warp 4.

This redbook is devided into three parts:

? Part I provides common information applicable to all CID issues.

? Part II provides software distribution-specific information regarding the

platform you are using or going to use:

? LAN CID Utility (LCU)

? NetView Distribution Manager/2 (NVDM/2)

? TME 10 Software Distribution 3.1.3 for OS/2 (SD4OS2)

? Part III, Appendixes, provides more detailed information about certain

CID-related utilities and lists sample REXX files used in different software

distribution scenarios.


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