IBM Network Printer Resource Utility, English (US)

Device Solutions

IBM Printing Systems Company

IBM Network Printer Resource Utility, English (US)

Last Updated on: 2001-04-06 오전 09:55


Product Information

Bus Type: 

Product Chip / Technologies: 


Driver Information Primary Driver 

Download this device driver: npruen.exe 

Driver Support: OS/2 Warp 

This product is supported by IBM. For Technical Assistance, please refer to the following sources: 

Any README documentation contained within the driver. 

Technical reference material shipped with your device / system, 

The Users Guide to OS/2 Warp, and other reference material contained within the OS/2 Warp product, 

The IBM Software home page for technical support information in your country. 


IBM Network Printer Resource Utility For Warp 3.0 - 4.0

UNZIP the file NPruxx.exe xx = country language 

See the Readme with Install Instructions and License Documents before Installiation 


The OS/2 Warp Network Printer Resource Utility (NPRU) is an optional utility that works with the IBM OS/2 PCL and PostScript Network Printer Drivers to manage printer resources such as fonts and overlays. The utility works with printer drivers for the Network Printers 12, 17 and 24


IBM Network Printers 12, 17 and 24.

Contact IBM Printing Systems Company for additional information and help at




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