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November 11, 2004

OS/2 Device Driver Development

IBM Solution Technologies

Austin, TX

(c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1999, 2004.

All rights reserved.

This README file contains the latest information on DVD/UDF Support for

OS/2 Warp Server for e-Business and Convenience Packages for OS/2 Warp 4 and

OS/2 Warp Server for e-Business (also called the "Convenience Pak").



1.0 Introduction

2.0 Supported Drive Models

3.0 Prerequisites

4.0 Installation Instructions

5.0 Uninstall Instructions

6.0 UDF Support for Booting OS/2 from Diskette

7.0 FORMAT and CHKDSK parameters

8.0 Specific Handling of Disk Media

9.0 Restrictions

10.0 Copyright and Trademark Information

1.0 Introduction


This software package contains UDF Installable File System version 2.1.5.

This version includes the following new features:

o Defect sector management in UDF is now supported for CD-RW, DDCD-RW, DVD-RW

  and DVD+RW media.

o /W format parameter to provide a completely formatted disk has been added.

o /ERASE format parameter to clean disk has been added.

o /REV format parameter to create disk according to the specified OSTA UDF

  Standard revision has been added.

o /NOFMT format parameter to prevent logical formatting has been added.

o Disk formatting in the Mount Rainier mode can be unlocked and ejected even

  if background formatting has not been completed.

o Ultra Speed+ CD-RW media is a media type that is now supported.

o Write with verification on CD-RW, DDCD-RW and DVD-RW media is now supported.

o Extended Attributes with a size more then 32000 bytes are now supported.

Previous enhancements to the package included:

o Suspend/resume mode is now fully supported. You must install the SpeedStep

  package for this suspend/resume support.

o Ultra Speed CD-RW media is a media type that is now supported.

o Mount Rainier Standard for CD-RW devices is now supported.

o /MTR format parameter for Mount Rainier Standard is now supported.

o /V format parameter for disk verification after low-level format is now


o LOCK.EXE and UNLOCK.EXE have been added to the package.

o Low-level format canceling is now supported for some drives.

o DVD-RW and DVD+RW media are supported.

o /BM the Bit Map Spacing parameter for the FORMAT command is supported.

o Double Density CD media (DDCD-ROM, DDCD-R, DDCD-RW) is now supported.

  This media can be used only with Double Density CD-R/RW Drives.

  Double Density CD media is not compatible with CD and DVD drives.

o /Q the Quiet Installation parameter is supported. 

  If the CONFIG.SYS file contains the line

         IFS=C:\OS2\BOOT\UDF.IFS /Q

  then no message is displayed during initialization of the UDF.IFS driver.

o Files with a length of 4GB or more can be read and written without


o PMFORMAT and PMCHKDSK utilities are supported for the UDF File System.  

  These utilities provide a graphical interface to the FORMAT and CHKDSK 


  The PMFORMAT utility can be executed from the command line by typing 

         PMFORMAT d:

  or by clicking on the Drive Icon and choosing 'Format disk...' from the pull

  down menu. 

  When PMFORMAT is activated, a dialog box will appear with an input area for

  the 'Volume label' and a 'Long format' check box. By default, this check box

  is not selected. If you select the 'Long format', then a low-level format

  will be initiated. This is equivalent to running FORMAT with the /F or /L


  This window also has selection buttons for Format, Cancel and Help. If you

  select the Format button the 'Format Progress' window appears. This window

  shows a slider that indicates the percentage of the disk that is currently

  formatted, and, when format completes, this window displays the total number of

  bytes on the disk and the number of bytes available on the disk.


  The 'Stop' selection box cancels the format process and closes the progress


  The PMCHKDSK utility can be entered from the command line by typing

         PMCHKDSK d:

  or by clicking on the Drive Icon and choosing 'Check disk...'.

  When PMCHKDSK is activated, a window will appear containing the

  'Write corrections to disk' check box. If you select this box, it is

  equivalent to a CHKDSK with parameter /F.

  If you select 'Check', the 'Check Disk - Results' window appears. This window 

  shows the type of file system, the total number of bytes on the disk,

  the number of bytes available for storage on the disk, and a chart of how

  the disk is currently being used.

  The 'Stop' selection box closes the 'Check Disk - Results' window.

  Please note that format and write operations are dependent on the combination

  of CD/DVD drive and CD/DVD media that you use. If you experience format or

  write problems, please retry the format or write operation on this media.

  If you have retried the operation and still have a problem, then retry the

  operation with new media.

2.0 Supported Drive Models


This software package provides UDF file system support for OS/2 on the following


o AOpen DVD-520S       DVD-RAM Drive (SCSI) 

o Creative labs DVD-5240E     DVD-ROM Drive (ATAPI)

o Hewlett-Packard 9100i       CD-R/RW Drive (ATAPI) 

o Hewlett-Packard 9200i       CD-R/RW Drive (SCSI)

o Hitachi GD-2500          DVD-ROM Drive (ATAPI)

o Hitachi GF-2000             DVD-RAM Drive              (ATAPI)

o HLDS GCC-4240N              DVD-ROM & CD-R/RW Drive    (ATAPI,Ultrabay 2000)

o HLDS GCC-4320B       DVD-ROM & CD-R/RW Drive (ATAPI)

o HLDS GCE-8400B       CD-R/RW Drive (ATAPI)

o HLDS GCE-8483B       CD-R/RW Drive (ATAPI)

o HLDS GMA-4020B              DVD-R/RW & DVD-RAM &

                              CD-R/RW Drive              (ATAPI)

o HLDS GSA-4040B       DVD-R/RW & DVD+R/RW &

      DVD-RAM & CD-R/RW Drive (ATAPI)

o HLDS GSA-4082B       DVD-R/RW & DVD+R/RW &

      DVD-RAM & CD-R/RW Drive (ATAPI)

o IBM USB 2.0 Portable CD-RW  CD-R/RW Drive (USB)

o IBM USB 2.0 Portable Multi-Burner

      DVD-R/RW & DVD-RAM &

      CD-R/RW Drive (USB)

o Lite-On LTR-40125S          CD-R/RW Drive (ATAPI)

o Matsushita UJDA-740       DVD-ROM & CD-R/RW Drive (ATAPI,Ultrabay 2000)

o Matsushita UJDA-745         DVD-ROM & CD-R/RW Drive (ATAPI,Ultrabay Slim)

o Matsushita UJDA-755         DVD-ROM & CD-R/RW Drive (ATAPI,Ultrabay Slim)

o Matsushita UJ-810B          DVD-R/RW & DVD-RAM &

                              CD-R/RW Drive             (ATAPI,Ultrabay 2000)

o Matsushita UJ-812B          DVD-R/RW & DVD-RAM &

                              CD-R/RW Drive             (ATAPI,Ultrabay Slim)

o Panasonic LF-D101       DVD-RAM Drive (SCSI) 

o Panasonic LF-D291       DVD-RAM Drive (SCSI)

o Philips PCA424D       DVD-ROM Drive (ATAPI)

o Philips PCRW-2412       CD-R/RW Drive (ATAPI)

o Sony CRX200E       DDCD-R/RW Drive (ATAPI)

o Sony DRU-500A       DVD-R/RW & DVD+R/RW & 

                              CD-R/RW Drive    (ATAPI)

o Sony CRX700E       CD-R/RW Drive (ATAPI,Ultrabay 2000)

o Sony Spressa CRX100E/X2     CD-R/RW Drive (USB)

o TEAC CD-W28E       CD-R/RW Drive (ATAPI,Ultrabay 2000)

o Toshiba SD-M1202       DVD-ROM Drive (ATAPI)

o Toshiba SD-R2002            DVD-ROM & CD-R/RW Drive (ATAPI,Ultrabay 2000) 

o Toshiba SD-R9012       DVD-ROM & CD-R/RW Drive (ATAPI,Ultrabay Slim)

CD-RW devices have been tested with low (1X-4X), high (4X-10X), ultra (16X-24X),

and ultra+ (32X) speed 650MB media only.

All previously supported CD-ROM drive models are still supported.

3.0 Prerequisites


To provide full suspend and resume support for UDF, you must install the latest

OS/2 Power Management/Speedstep and Enhanced Speedstep Technology package.

Note: If you do not install the latest OS/2 Power Management/SpeedStep and

Enhanced SpeedStep Technology package, then you must unlock and eject the UDF

media prior to suspending. This is required to maintain data integrity.

4.0 Installation Instructions


The UDF201.EXE file is a self-extracting file that contains the following files:

o DVDINST.EXE       Installation executable that installs DVD/UDF support.

o OS2CDROM.DMD      CD-ROM/DVD device manager modified for CD-RW and DVD


o UDF.IFS           UDF Installable File System

o CDFS.IFS          CDFS Installable File System modified to support

    reformat of CD-RW disks with CDFS media format

o IBMIDECD.FLT      IDE CD Filter modified for IDE CD-Writer support

o PMFORMAT.EXE      PMFORMAT utility with support for UDF File System


o LOCK.EXE          LOCK utility executable from the command line

o UNLOCK.EXE        UNLOCK utility executable from the command line

o DDK_NOTE.TXT      Programming Notes describing new IOCtl functions

                    for OS2CDROM.DMD

o OS2CDROM.SYM      Debug symbol file for OS2CDROM.DMD

o UDF.SYM           Debug symbol file for UDF.IFS

o README.TXT        This readme text file

In addition, there are 9 language specific subdirectories that contain

a language dependent file. The files contained in these subdirectories are:

o UUDF.DLL          UDF support DLL

o UUDF.SYM          Debug symbol file for UUDF.DLL

The 9 languages that are supported by this installation package are:

o English

o French

o Italian

o German

o Spanish

o Japanese

o Brazilian Portuguese

o Simplified Chinese

o Traditional Chinese

To start the installation you must first expand the self-extracting file UDF201.exe.

To expand the DVD/UDF package files:

1. From a command line, change to the directory containing the

   self-extracting file UDF201.EXE.

2. Type "UDF201 -d" to expand the files. This will extract the 

   files and create the subdirectories.

To install DVD/UDF support:

1. From a command line, change to the directory containing the

   DVD/UDF installation files.

2. Type "DVDINST" to begin the installation.

   This installation will perform the following:

   a. Save any existing drivers that will be updated. The saved drivers

      will be copied with a .Dnn extension into the OS2\BOOT

      directory on the boot partition, where "nn" is 00, 01, 02 etc. and

      is chosen so that a file with this name does not already exist.

   b. Copy the new device driver files into the OS2\BOOT directory of the

      boot partition.

   c. Save any existing DLLs that will be updated. The saved DLL files

      with .Dnn extension in the OS2\DLL directory on the boot partition,

      where "nn" is 00, 01, 02 etc. and is chosen so that file with this

      name does not exist.

   d. Copy the associated language specific DLL file(s) to the OS2\DLL

      directory of the boot partition.

   e. Check the CONFIG.SYS file for the necessary lines to support DVD/UDF.

      If the CONFIG.SYS is to be updated, then the current version is

      saved as CONFIG.Dnn, where "nn" is 00, 01, 02 etc. and is chosen so

      that file with this name does not exist.

   f. Create the file DVDUINST.CMD in the root directory that consists of

      commands to restore saved drivers, DLLs and CONFIG.SYS. This file

      will be issued if you need to restore your system to the state prior

      to this installation. If file DVDUINST.CMD already exists, then it

      will be renamed to DVDUINST.Dnn, where "nn" is the maximum number

      among existing files DVDUINST.Dnn plus one.

3. Shutdown and restart your system.

Note: DVDINST program will not copy the symbol (*.SYM) files to the

corresponding directories. All symbol files must be copied manually if needed.

5.0 Uninstall Instructions


To uninstall the DVD/UDF support:

1. From a command line, change to the C:\ directory where

   "C:" is the system boot drive.

2. Type "DVDUINST" to restore the system with the saved drivers, DLL file

   and CONFIG.SYS file.

3. Shutdown and restart the system.

6.0 UDF Support for Booting OS/2 from Diskette


To add UDF support to OS/2 booted from diskettes:

1. In file CONFIG.SYS on Diskette 1:

   -  add line


      after line


   - at the end of this file add lines


           IFS=UDF.IFS /Q

2. Copy file C:\OS2\BOOT\UNICODE.SYS to Diskette 2.

3. Copy file C:\OS2\BOOT\UDF.IFS to Diskette 2.

4. Create the directory "LANGUAGE\CODEPAGE" on Diskette 2 and

   copy file C:\LANGUAGE\CODEPAGE\IBM<code_page> into this

   "LANGUAGE\CODEPAGE" directory on Diskette 2, where <code_page>

   is the code page used in the line CODEPAGE=<code_page> in the 

   CONFIG.SYS file on Diskette 1.

7.0 FORMAT and CHKDSK Parameters


Syntax of the FORMAT command for the UDF file system is the following:

FORMAT drive /FS:UDF [/S:setid] /V:label[/F] [/L] [/ONCE] [/Y] [[/BM:B|E]

             [/MTR] [/V] [/W] [/ERASE:MIN|FULL] [/REV:1.50|2.00|2.01]



  drive          A drive letter (e.g. C:, D:, E:, etc.).

  /S:setid       Volume Set Identifier.

  /V:label       Volume label.

  /F or /L       Low-level formatting.

  /Y             Assume a YES response to all questions asked by FORMAT.

  /ONCE          Format without any questions to user.

  /BM:B|E        Determines Space Bitmap disposition on the disk: 

        B - at the beginning,

                    E - at the end, 

  by default - at the middle.   

  /V             Disk verification before logical formatting.

  /MTR           Format media according to the Mount Rainier Standard.

  /W             Wait for low-level formatting to complete.


                 Erase disk: MIN - minimal, FULL - complete disk.


                 OSTA UDF data format revision.

  /NOFMT         No logical format.

Syntax of the CHKDSK command for the UDF file system is the following:

CHKDSK drive [/y|/n] [/c] [/F] [/f] [/q|/v|/V] [/t:filename] 


  drive          A drive letter (e.g.  C:, D:, E:, etc.).

  /y             Assume a YES response to all questions asked by CHKDSK.

  /n             Assume a NO  response to all questions asked by CHKDSK.

  /c             Check volume for clean unmount (returns 0 if clean, 

                 and 1 if not clean).

  /F             Force check of a cleanly unmounted volume.

  /f             Fast check. Check blocks/sizes and the free list.

  /q             Quiet mode. Error messages only are output.

  /v             Verbose mode.

  /V             Very Verbose mode.

  /t:filename    Optional scratch file.


o Some parameters for CHKDSK command are case-sensitive.

o Parameter /BM is used for media with limited rewriting capability, such 

  as CD-RW, DDCD-RW, DVD+RW, and DVD-RW.  The Space Bitmap is the area

  of the media where data is rewritten very frequently.

  Therefore, use of the /BM parameter for FORMAT is recommended to move

  the Space Bitmap to another location on the media, thereby prolonging

  media life. If disk is formatted as CD-MRW with /L parameter, then the

  /BM parameter is ignored and the Space Bitmap is located at the beginning

  of the disk.

  If CD-RW, DDCD-RW, DVD+RW or DVD-RW media cannot be formatted

  successfully, then FORMAT with the parameter /BM:b or /BM:e (if this

  media has been formatted previously without the /BM parameter) should be

  tried for this media.  If the media still cannot be formatted

  successfully, then use new media.

o Parameter /V is used to verify disk. All formatted blocks on the disk are

  verified. If parameter /V is used together with parameter /L or /F, a newly

  formatted disk is verified to insure no formatted blocks on the disk are

  defective. If a defective block is found, then error message "Media error" is

  displayed. A retry of the format is recommended. If an error is reported

  again, new media should be used. If formatting DVD+RW or CD-MRW media using

  the /L or /F parameter, and the /V parameter is used, then verification starts

  after the disk is fully formatted. Also if background formatting has not been

  completed for DVD+RW or CD-MRW media and FORMAT with /V parameter is issued,

  then the system will wait until background formatting completes and then

  starts the verification. The verification process will increase execution

  time of the FORMAT command. CD-RW media verification time may increase by

  several minutes. DVD media verification time can be significantly longer,

  as much as one half hour or more.

o Parameter /MTR is used together with /L or /F parameter to format CD-RW

  disk according to the Mount Rainier Standard (also referred to as 

  CD-MRW). This parameter has effect if only it is used for CD-RW media on a 

  drive satisfying the Mount Rainier Standard (see Technical Specification for

  the drive). CD-MRW disks have a longer life expectancy and are more

  stable than CD-RW disks because of hardware level defect management.

  Background formatting of CD-MRW disks allows a disk to be used before

  format completion. While a background formatting is in progress 

  (approximate time 15 minutes), the disk can be unlocked and/or ejected. If 

  this disk then is written, background formatting will automatically restart.

  Due to Mount Rainier Standard restriction, this disk does not completely

  satisfy UDF Standard. It doesn't mean it cannot be used rather after

  background formatting completes. Command CHKDSK d: /F should be executed

  against this disk to convert it to the state completely satisfying UDF

  Standard. CD-MRW formatted disks cannot be read on drives that do not support

  the Mount Rainier Standard.


o The current UDF version supports defect management for CD-RW, DDCD-RW, DVD-RW

  and DVD+RW media (for CD-MRW and DVD-RAM hardware level defect management is

  supported). It means when write operation finds a defective sector (block) it

  will be replaced by another reserved sector and the original sector will be

  isolated. This mode is used by logical formatting by default. Disks formatted

  in this mode in this version can be read only in the previous UDF201 packages

  and writing is not allowed. CD-RW, DDCD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD+RW disks formatted in

  the previous versions of UDF201 package can be read and written in the current

  version without restrictions. To format CD-RW, DDCD-RW, DVD-RW and DVD+RW

  media in the mode compatible with the previous versions parameter /MTR should

  be used when logical formatting is issued. Be careful for CD-RW drives

  supporting Mount Rainier. To prepare blank CD-RW disk compatible with the

  previous version (non-CD-MRW) perform the following actions:



  To know if the disk was formatted with defect management support in UDF run

  CHKDSK d: command. If the message "Checking Sparing Table(s)..." is displayed,

  the disk was formatted with defect management support in UDF.

o Parameter /REV is used to format the media according to the revision of the

  OSTA UDF Standard (1.50, 2.00 or 2.01). By default revision 2.01 is used.

  Previous versions of UDF201 package didn't have this parameter and formatted

  disks were compatible with the UDF revision 1.50.

o Parameter /ERASE is used to clean all information from disk space it cannot be

  restored from the disk. This parameter is usually used to remove confidential

  information from disk (low level formatting creates only control information

  for sectors but doesn't clean its contents). Using /ERASE parameter converts

  CD-RW, DDCD-RW and DVD-RW media into the blank media. As DVD+RW and DVD-RAM

  cannot be converted into the blank state sectors of zeroes are written on

  disk. There are 2 options of ERASE parameter: MIN and FULL. For CD-RW,

  DDCD-RW and DVD-RW media option MIN cleans disk control structures and sets

  blank state but sectors with data are unchanged. Option FULL for these types

  of media destroys control structures for every sector and clean its contents.

  For DVD+RW and DVD-RAM option MIN causes zeroing a few sectors from the

  beginning, but option FULL writes zeroes into every sector of disk. Parameter

  /ERASE is used together with /NOFMT parameter.

o Parameter /NOFMT skips the logical formatting and is used together with the

  /ERASE and /V parameters.

8.0 Specific Handling of Disk Media


o For CD-RW, DDCD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD+RW and DVD-RAM (without a cartridge, Type 2

  or 4) disks, write-protection (like diskette media and DVD-RAM in cartridge)

  cannot be provided as the media does not have a cartridge with a

  "write-protect" switch capability.

o Prior to using a CD-RW, DDCD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD+RW or DVD-RAM for Video Recording

  media that has not been used before (e.g., a blank disk), this media must be

  formatted using the /L (long format) parameter:

         FORMAT d: /FS:UDF /L

o If CDFS or another file system was written on CD-RW (DDCD-RW) media prior to

  use of this media as a UDF file system, then the CD-RW (DDCD-RW) media must

  be formatted using the /L parameter:

         FORMAT d: /FS:UDF /L

o CD-RW, DDCD-RW, DVD-RW or DVD+RW media formatted using the UDF file system in

  Windows or Linux cannot be written to in OS/2 and vice versa.

  OS/2 - Windows/Linux UDF compatibility is only available for "reads" and not

  for "writes".

o There is a limit to the number of times an area of the CD/RW, DDCD-RW, DVD-RW

  or DVD+RW media can be written. This is defined as 1000 writes, according to

  the Recordable CD Standard "Orange Book".

  To increase the useful life of this type of media, use the /BM parameter when

  this media is formatted to move the Space Bitmap (see Section 6.0 FORMAT and

  CHKDSK Parameters).

  If you use CD-RW, DDCD-RW, DVD-RW or DVD+RW media and read/write errors occur

  often after using the /BM parameter to move the Space Bitmap, then replace 

  this media.

o Handle CD-RW, DDCD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD+RW and DVD-RAM without a cartridge media

  carefully as this media does not have a protective cartridge and is

  vulnerable to damage.

o Pocket Size CD-RW media (80 mm disk with capacity of 185MB) may be used

  for "read" and "write" operations.  Most newer CD-RW drives should

  support Pocket Size CD-RW media, but this media has not been officially

  tested and is not supported. 

o Modern CD-RW drives support High Speed CD-RW media. These devices have a

  special label on the drive, such as "Compact Disc Rewritable High Speed".

  If a CD-RW drive supports recording on High Speed CD-RW media, use of

  High-Speed media is recommended.

  Modern CD-RW drives also support Ultra Speed CD-RW media. These devices can

  be distinguished as Ultra Speed by a special label on the drive, such as

  "Compact Disc Rewritable Ultra Speed". These devices are backward compatible

  and also support Low and High Speed CD-RW media.

  If a CD-RW drive does not support recording on High Speed or Ultra Speed

  CD-RW media, the media becomes "write-protected" and only "reads" are allowed.

  The DIR command will display "0 bytes free" for this media.

o DVD+RW media supports background formatting. When long formatting is

  issued the drive formats only a portion of disk first, necessary for

  initial writing, in just a little over a minute, then resumes formatting

  for the remaining portion in the background when writing/reading is not

  processed. It means that after FORMAT/PMFORMAT command finishes disk can

  be used as if it has been formatted. Disk partially formatted can be

  ejected from the drive. When such disk is inserted in the background

  formatting resumes automatically. When background formatting is in

  progress performance is significantly reduced (if block is requested for

  writing and detected it has not been formatted additional step to format

  this block is added and it reduces performance). If you wish to provide

  optimal mode for DVD+RW after low-level formatting  use FORMAT command

  with the parameter /W.

  If CD-RW device follows Mount Rainier Standard CD-RW disk can be formatted as

  CD-MRW by FORMAT command with the parameters /L and /MTR. In this case 

  background formatting is used in the same manner as it is described above

  for DVD+RW media.

o If you are consistently encountering errors using certain Media/Hardware

  combinations, you may want to consider upgrading your DVD/CD-RW drive's

  firmware level. The drive manufacturer or device forums may provide

  assistance in selection of an appropriate firmware level.

9.0 Restrictions


1. The UDF Installable File System  supports hardware configurations with one

   (1) DVD/CD-RW device. You may or may not experience problems when working

   with configurations with 2 or more DVD/CD-RW devices at the same time.

2. If FORMAT or PMFORMAT commands are canceled during media low-level formatting,

   then the device stops formatting but some devices may become detached and

   unusable until the drive formatting completes.  

3. A "format" operation should not be started before the device completes

   the physical media mount, which occurs when the drive LED indicator

   stops blinking after the media-tray is closed. The device should be

   given enough time to allow the device to become "ready" .

4. If you perform a media "eject" operation from the command line and the

   media does not eject, then use the Work Place Shell (WPSHL) User Interface

   (GUI interface) or command line utility UNLOCK.EXE to first unlock the drive.

   You should then be able to execute the "eject" command. The eject can be

   executed from either the command line or from the WPSHL GUI interface.

   If information on the UDF disk is updated (create new file/directory, copy

   files, rename/delete files/directories) disk is automatically locked.

   To eject disk it should be first unlocked from either the command line or

   from WPSHL GUI interface. Disk becomes locked if any PM window with objects

   corresponding to the directory is closed and "Save Desktop properties" option

   is set. In this case the location of all objects in the window is saved as

   extended attributes of directory. To prevent saving of object locations click

   with the right mouse button on the Desktop and then select Properties.

   Select Desktop tag and reset "Save Desktop properties" option.

5. OS/2 UDF file system media (CD-RW, DVD-RW or DVD+RW) can be read on the

   Windows XP operating system without the use of any UDF file system reader

   application. Windows operating systems other than Windows XP may require the

   use of a UDF file system reader to read OS/2 UDF media. Please consult the

   technical documentation that accompanies your Windows operating system

   version for this information. If a UDF file system reader application is

   required, please insure that this application supports the UDF 1.5 or 2.01 

   specifications and also supports extended attributes. You may experience

   difficulties reading the OS/2 UDF media on a Windows operating system other

   than Windows XP if these conditions are not met.

6. When booting your system, on occasion, the CD-RW/DVD drive icon may appear

   as an icon other than a CD-ROM icon. This is a cosmetic problem and has no

   functional impacts. To alleviate this condition, please insure that you do

   not have media inserted in the CD-RW/DVD drive when booting your system.


10.0 Copyright and Trademark Information


The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines

Corporation in the United States and/or other countries:



Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service

marks of others.







(C) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1999, 2004. All rights reserved.

U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or 

disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.


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