Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Device Driver for Intel 82430FX Chipset

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                    Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Device Driver for Intel 82430FX Chipset

                              Revision 3.11H

                            (December 22, 1995)


                      T A B L E  O F  C O N T E N T S



    1.1 Overview

    1.2 Triones 82430FX Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Driver Files


    2.1 Installation

    2.2 De-Installation

    2.3 Restrictions of Disk Driver and Fast Disk Driver

    2.4 Troubleshooting

3.  Windows NT3.5

    3.1 Installation

    3.2 De-Installation

    3.3 Troubleshooting

4.  Windows 95

    4.1 Installation

    4.2 De-Installation

5.  Novell 3.X & 4.X

    5.1 Installation

    5.2 Troubleshooting


    6.1 Installation

    6.2 De-Installation

    6.3 Adding Additional Hard Disk

    6.4 Adding CD-ROM

    6.5 Troubleshooting


    7.1 Installation

    7.2 De-Installation

8.  OS/2 2.0 and WARP 3.X

    8.1 Installation

    8.2 De-Installation

    8.3 Troubleshooting

9.  Seever Utility


                       1.  I N T R O D U C T I O N


1.1 Overview

    The 82430FX Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Device Drivers created by

    TRIONES Technologies, Inc. has the following features:

    1)  Takes advantage of the 82430FX chipset bus mastering capability and

        support bus mastering IDE on both IDE hard disks and ATAPI CD-ROM

        drives. This greatly reduces the CPU utilization and increases the

        data transfer rate.

    2)  Supports advanced data transfer timing modes. The PIO mode can be up

        to mode 4, and the DMA mode can be up to multiple word mode 2.

    3)  Supports LBA mode and Multiple-Block (or Multiple-Sector) commands.

    This readme will describe the setup procedures for the 82430FX Bus Master

    Device Driver for each operating system. The 82430FX Bus Master Device

    Drivers can only be used on motherboards with the 82430FX chipset and the

    system BIOS must properly initialize the 82430FX chipset IDE interface

    for the Bus Master IDE operation. Do not use any other add-in IDE (PCI

    or ISA) card in the system.

1.2 Triones 82430FX Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Driver Files

    TRIDMA.SYS  --  The Triones 82430FX Bus Master EIDE Disk Driver for MS-DOS.

    TRICD.SYS   --  The Triones 82430FX Bus Master ATAPI CD-ROM Driver for



    TRICTR.386  --  The Triones 82430FX Bus Master Fast Disk Driver for

                    Windows 3.1 and Windows for WorkGroup 3.11.


    SETUP.INF   --  The setup program.

    IDEATAPI.SYS--  The Triones 82430FX Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Device Driver

                    for Windows NT 3.5.

    OEMSETUP.INF--  The setup information file used by the Windows NT 3.5


    IDEATAPI.MPD--  The Triones 82430FX Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Device Driver

                    for Windows 95.

    IDEATAPI.INF--  The setup information file used by the Windows 95 setup.

    TRIN4X.DSK  --  The Triones 82430FX Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Device Driver

                    for NOVELL version 4.10.

    TRIN312.DSK --  The Triones 82430FX Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Device Driver

                    for NOVELL version 3.12.

    TRISCO.TAR  --  The Triones 82430FX Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Device Driver

                    for SCO UNIX.

    TRIOS2.ADD  --  The Triones 82430FX Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Device Driver

                    for OS/2

    SEEVER.EXE  --  A utility to see the driver version information.


                     2.  M S - D O S  /  W I N D O W S



    The setup program will copy files to the directory you indicate, and

    make changes to the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS to configure the drivers.

    If the fast disk driver is installed, it wil also make changes to

    SYSTEM.INI in the Windows directory.

    To run the setup program:

    1)  Change the current directory to a: or b:

    2)  Under DOS command line prompt, run the setup:

            setup <Enter>

    After entering the setup utility, just follow the instructions of the



    To de-install the disk driver:

        Edit CONFIG.SYS to remark "DEVICE=C:\TRITON\TRIDMA.SYS".

    To de-install the CD-ROM driver:

        Edit CONFIG.SYS to remark "DEVICE=C:\TRITON\TRICD.SYS ..." and also

        Edit AUTOEXEC.BAT to remark "C:\DOS\MSCDEX  /D:MSCD000".

    To de-install the Fast Disk driver:

        Edit SYSTEM.INI and remark "DEVICE=C:\TRITON\TRIINT13.386" and

        "DEVICE=C:\TRITON\TRICTR.386",  and also set the values of

        "OverlappedIO" and "32BitDiskAccess" to OFF.  All these entries

        are under the "[386Enh]" section.


    1)  If you want to install both of the DOS disk driver and the CD-ROM

        driver, you should setup the disk driver before the CD-ROM driver

        in the CONFIG.SYS.

    2)  The Fast Disk driver for Windows can only function if the DOS disk

        driver is loaded.


2.4.1 Overriding Drive Capabilities for the DOS Disk Driver

    If the driver does not work properly after the installation,  it could

    be that the device drives report wrong capabilities.  The driver provides

    parameters for the user to override the capabilities reported by the

    connected device drives.

    The user can append parameters with the following format

        [/V] [/drive [dma=dmamode|pio=piomode] [!lba] [!ms]]

    to the "device=..." statement in the CONFIG.SYS file.


    V       indicates to display verbose information, including device

            scanning progress and TRITON chip set timing register values,

            and etc.

    drive   specifies which drive to override on.  It can be:

                PM  primary/master

                PS  primary/slave

                SM  secondary/master

                SS  secondary/slave

    dmamode specifies the overriding DMA mode. It can be:

                SW2 single word DMA mode 2

                MW1 multi-word DMA mode 1

                MW2 multi-word DMA mode 2

                NO   not use DMA operation. The PIO will be used.

    piomode specifies the overriding PIO mode. It can be:

                0   PIO mode 0

                1   PIO mode 1

                2   PIO mode 2

                3   PIO mode 3

                4   PIO mode 4

            If the pio_mode is specified, the driver will only use PIO

            operation on the corresponding drive.

    !lba    indicates not to use LBA mode.

    !ms     indicates not to use multi-sectors commands.

    For example:

        device=c:\triton\tridma.sys /PS dma=SW2 !lba

    indicates that we will use single word DMA mode 2 and not use LBA mode

    on the slave drive of the primary IDE channel.

2.4.2 Overriding Drive Capabilities for the CD-ROM Driver

    If the driver does not work properly after the installation, it could

    be that the CD-ROM drives report wrong capabilities. The driver provides

    parameters for the user to override the capabilities reported by the

    connected drives.

    The user can append parameters with the following format

        [/V] [/drive dma=dmamode|pio=piomode]

    to the "device=..." statement in the CONFIG.SYS file.


    V       indicates to display verbose information, including device

            scanning progress and TRITON chip set timing register values.

    drive   specifies which drive to override on.  It can be:

                PM  primary/master

                PS  primary/slave

                SM  secondary/master

                SS  secondary/slave

    dmamode specifies the overriding DMA mode. It can be:

                SW2 single word DMA mode 2

                MW1 multi-word DMA mode 1

                MW2 multi-word DMA mode 2

                NO  not use DMA operation. The driver will use PIO on the

                corresponding CD-ROM drive.

    piomode specifies the overriding PIO mode. It can be:

                0   PIO mode 0

                1   PIO mode 1

                2   PIO mode 2

                3   PIO mode 3

                4   PIO mode 4

            If the pio_mode is specified, the driver will only use PIO

            operation on the corresponding drive.

    For example:

        device=c:\triton\tricd.sys /SM dma=no

    indicates that we will not use DMA and only use PIO operation on the

    master drive of the secondary IDE channel.


                      3.  W I N D O W S  N T 3 . 5



    1)  From the Program Manager, double click on "Windows NT Setup" in the

        Main group.

    2)  Select "Options/Add/Remove SCSI Adapters..."

    3)  Click on Add.

    4)  The "Select SCSI Adapter Option" dialog will appear;

        select "Other (Requires a disk from a hardware manufacturer)"

        from the "Adapter:" list box.

    5)  Next, the "Insert Diskette" dialog box will appear; insert the

        Triones 82430FX Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Driver disk into Drive A:

        and type in "a:\winnt35" and <Return>.

    6)  Next, the "Select OEM Option" dialog box will appear;  select

        "82430FX Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI" and click "OK."

    7)  Next, the "Select SCSI Adapter Option" dialogbox will appear;

        click on the "Install" button in the dialog box. If installation

        is successful, the "SCSI Adapter Setup" dialog box will reappear,

        and "82430FX Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI" will be listed.  That means the

        driver is installed.

    8)  Reboot your system to load the driver.


    If you want to de-install the Triones 82430FX Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI

    Driver, you should keep the EIDE/ATAPI environment the same as when you

    installed the driver. Otherwise, you may meet some problems.

    1)  From the Program Manager,double click on "Windows NT Setup" in the

        Main group.

    2)  Select "Options/Add/Remove SCSI Adapters...".

    3)  Select "82430FX Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI" and then click on Remove.

    4)  Exit "Windows NT Setup" and reboot the system.


3.3.1. Overriding drive capabilities

    If the Windows NT 3.5 does not work properly after the installation,

    it could be that the device drives report wrong capabilities.  The

    driver provides 6 parameters for the user to override the capabilities

    reported by the connected device drives.

1.  UseLbaMode:

    This is a double word parameter specifying if we want to use LBA mode on

    a particular disk drive. We only use the low word. We split the 16-bit

    low word into 4 4-bit fields,  each corresponding to one possible

    connected disk drive:

    15              12 11               8 7             4 3              0


    | Secondary/Slave | Secondary/Master | Primary/Slave | Primary/Master |


    If a field is set to non-zero, then we are going to use LBA mode on the

    corresponding disk drive. The default value is 0xF.

2.  UseMultiBlock:

    This is a double word parameter specifying if we want to use multiple

    block commands on a particular disk drive. We only use the low word.

    We split the 16-bit low word into 4 4-bit fields, each corresponding

    to one possible connected disk drive:

    15             12 11               8 7             4 3              0


    | Secondary/Slave | Secondary/Master | Primary/Slave | Primary/Master |


    If a field is set to non-zero, then we are going to use multiple block command

    on the corresponding disk drive. The default value is 0.

3.  PrimaryMasterMode:

4.  PrimarySlaveMode:

5.  SecondaryMasterMode:

6.  SecondarySlaveMode:

    These are double word parameters. We can use them to override DMA/PIO

    timing modes for the connected drives. Some drives may have firmware

    bugs causing them to report the wrong ATA DMA/PIO timing mode to the

    driver. Most notable are the multitude of drives on the market which

    claim to support PIO Mode 2 when in fact, they really are Mode 0 or

    Mode 1 drives.  Incorrect ATA DMA/PIO timing modes may cause system

    boot failure or data corruption. Therefore, the driver includes a

    facility whereby the user may override the vendor-specified ATA timing


    The possible parameter values are:

        0x00    Use DMA with Single-Word DMA mode 0

        0x01    Use DMA with Single-Word DMA mode 1

        0x02    Use DMA with Single-Word DMA mode 2

        0x03    Use DMA with Multi-Word DMA mode 1

        0x04    Use DMA with Multi-Word DMA mode 2

        0xf0    Use PIO with PIO mode 0

        0xf1    Use PIO with PIO mode 1

        0xf2    Use PIO with PIO mode 2

        0xf3    Use PIO with PIO mode 3

        0xf4    Use PIO with PIO mode 4

        0xf5    Use PIO with PIO mode 5

        0xff    Use PIO with driver-decided default PIO mode


                Default value, the driver will decide what operation

                (DMA/PIO) and what mode to use by itself.

    To set the parameters:

    1)  From the Program Manager, select File/Run and type in "REGEDT32".

    2)  In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subwindow, open the

        SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Services / IDEAtapi / Parameters or

    3)  Double click on the parameter name you want to change,  and make

        your change. Be sure to click on the Radix/Hexdecimal button before

        clicking OK.

    4)  Reboot your system.


                          4.  W I N D O W S  9 5



    1)  Close any running applications.


    2)  Remove references to installed real-mode, IDE device drivers in the

        AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files, especially any drivers that 

        control ATAPI CD-ROM and special IDE features.

    3)  Remove references to the default installed IDE device drivers.

        A.  Open the Control Panel folder.


        B.  Invoke the System applet.


        C.  Click on the Device Manager option.


        D.  Click on the View Devices by Type button.

            A list of the system devices connected to the system 

            will be displayed.


        E.  Click on the Hard disk controllers record. There could be two 


            For case 1, there should be three instances listed:

            * Intel PIIX PCI IDE Controller (Bus Mastering not supported)

            * Primary IDE controller (dual FIFO) 

            * Secondary IDE controller (dual FIFO)

            Goto step F for case 1.


            For case 2, there should be two instances listed:

            * Standard ESDI/IDE Controller

            * Standard ESDI/IDE Controller

            Goto G for case 2.


        F.  Remove the Intel PIIX PCI IDE Controller's listing (case 1).

            1.  Select the Intel PIIX PCI IDE Controller.

            2.  Click on the Remove option.

            3.  Select OK when prompted to remove this controller.

            4.  Goto step H.


        G.  Remove the Standard ESDI/IDE Controller listings (case 2).

            1.  Remove the Secondary Controller's listing.

            a.  Select the Second instance of the Standard ESDI/IDE 


            b.  Click on the Remove option.

            c.  Select Yes when prompted to remove this controller.


            2.  Remove the Primary Controller's listing.

            a.  Select the remaining instance of the Standard ESDI/IDE 


            b.  Click on the Remove option.

            c.  Select Yes when prompted to remove this controller.


        H.  Select Yes when prompted to re-start Windows 95*.

        I.  Windows 95* will re-start.


    4)  Install the Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI driver when prompted to do so.

        A.  Windows 95* will report that an Intel PIIX PCI IDE Controller 

            or a Standard ESDI/IDE Controller has been detected in the 

            system. Select Driver from disk provided by hardware manufacturer.


        B.  Insert the floppy disk containing the driver file (IDEATAPI.MPD) 

            and installation file (IDEATAPI.INF) into the system.


        C.  Type in \WIN95 and choose OK to load the driver from the A:\WIN95


        D.  Windows 95* will display a Select Device window. Choose OK.


            *  If Windows 95* reported that an Intel PIIX PCI IDE Controller

            has been detected, the selected device type should be the

            Intel 82430FX Bus Master IDE Controllers.

            *  If Windows 95* reported that a Standard ESDI/IDE Controller

            has been detected, the selected device type should be the

            Intel 82430FX Bus Master IDE Controller.


        E.  When prompted to re-insert the floppy containing the 

            IDEATAPI.MPD file, choose OK again.


            *  Windows 95* may not be able to process the .INF file and .MPD

            file the first time, choose OK again if this happens.


        F.  Select Yes when prompted to re-start Windows 95*.


        G.  Windows 95* will report that the system settings have changed.

            Select Yes when prompted to re-start Windows 95*.


    The IDEATAPI.MPD driver will be installed and used as long as the 

    82430FX IDE interface is enabled. After installation, the IDEATAPI.MPD 

    file is stored in the c:\<Windows 95* directory>\System\IOSubSys 



    The IDEATAPI.INF information on the install floppy is integrated into 

    the    Windows 95* device database for automatic support of the Intel 

    82430FX Bus Master IDE Controller and is stored in the 

    c:\<Windows 95* directory>\INF directory as one of the files named 

    OEM<x>.INF (name varies depending on system.)


4.2 DE-INSTALLATION (Method 1)

    This procedure allows one to de-install the use of the Intel

    82430FX Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI device driver and restore the default

    Windows 95* device driver for IDE support.

    1)  Close any running applications.

    2)  Un-install the bus master driver.

        A.  Open the Control Panel folder.


        B.  Invoke the System applet.


        C.  Click on the Device Manager option.


        D.  Click on the View Devices by Type option.

            A list of the system devices connected to the system

            will be displayed.


        E.  Click on the Hard disk controllers record.

            For case 1, there should be three instances listed.

            *  Intel 82430FX Bus Master IDE Controllers

            *  Primary IDE controller

            *  Secondary IDE controller

            Goto step F for case 1.


            For case 2, there should be two instances listed:

            * Intel 82430FX Bus Master IDE Controller

            * Intel 82430FX Bus Master IDE Controller

            Goto step G for case 2.


        F.  Remove the Intel 82430FX Bus Master IDE Controllers

            listings (case 1).

            1.  Select the Intel 82430FX Bus Master IDE Controllers listing.

            2.  Click on the Remove option.

            3.  Select OK when prompted to remove this controller.

            4.  Goto step H.


        G.  Remove the Intel 82430FX Bus Master IDE Controller 

            listings (case 2).

            1.  Delete the associated .INF file:

            a.  Go to the .INF directory:

                (1) Invoke the MS-DOS* Command prompt

                (2)     cd c:<Windows 95* directory>\INF

            b.  Determine which INF file to delete. The Intel 82430FX Bus

                Master IDE Controller .INF file is located at one of the 

                files named OEM<x>.INF. There may be one or more of these 

                OEM<x>.INF files loaded on the system. To determine the 

                correct one to delete use file compare to compare each of 

                the OEM<x>.INF files to the IDEATAPI.INF file on the install

                floppy. Other devices may be stored as an OEM*.INF file, so 

                it is important to select the correct one.

            c.  Delete the correct OEM<x>.INF file. 


            2.  Remove the Secondary Controller's listing.

            a.  Select the Second instance of the 

                Intel 82430FX Bus Master IDE Controller.

            b.  Click on the Remove option.

            c.  Select Yes when prompted to remove this controller.


            3.  Remove the Primary Controller's listing.

            a.  Select the remaining instance of the 

                Intel 82430FX Bus Master IDE Controller

            b.  Click on the Remove option.

            c.  Select Yes when prompted to remove this controller.


        H.  Select Yes when prompted to re-start Windows 95*


        I.  Windows 95* will restart.


    3.  Install the default Windows drivers when prompted to do so.

        A.  Windows 95* will report that the Intel PIIX PCI IDE Controller

            (Bus mastering not supported) has been detected. Select the 

            Windows default driver for installation.


        B.  Select Yes when prompted to re-start Windows 95*

4.3 DE-INSTALLATION (Method 2)

    You can also try another way to change back to the Windows 95* default



    1.  Open the Control Panel folder.


    2.  Invoke the System applet.


    3.  Click on the Device Manager option.


    4.  Click on the View Devices by Type option.

        A list of the system devices connected to the system

        will be displayed.


    5.  Click on the Hard disk controllers record.

        For case 1, there should be three instances listed.

        *  Intel 82430FX Bus Master IDE Controllers

        *  Primary IDE controller

        *  Secondary IDE controller

        Goto step 6 for case 1.


        For case 2, there should be two instances listed:

        * Intel 82430FX Bus Master IDE Controller

        * Intel 82430FX Bus Master IDE Controller

        Goto step 7 for case 2.


    6.  For case 1:

        o   Double click on the Intel 82430FX Bus Master IDE Controllers. 

        o   Click on the Driver.

        o   Click on the Change Driver.

        o   Select the default driver to change back to.


    7.  For each instance of case 2:

        o   Double click on the Intel 82430FX Bus Master IDE Controller.

        o   Click on the Driver.

        o   Click on the Change Driver.

        o   Select the default driver to change back to.


    8.  Restart Windows 95* when prompted to do so.


                         5.  N O V E L L  3.X & 4.X



    1)  Copy the driver TRIN4X.DSK or TRIN312.DSK to the subdirectory which

        holds the file SERVER.EXE.

    2)  Boot up the file server.

    3)  On the system console and on the command prompt state,  type in:

        load TRIN4X.DSK  <Enter>


        load TRIN312.DSK <Enter>

    You can also include the above command line into the start up file

    STARTUP.NCF to load the driver automatically.

    For disk operation or CD-ROM operation, please refer to the corresponding

    NOVELL system user manual.  NOVELL has a command "cd help" which describe

    all features for CD-ROM.


5.2.1 Overriding Drive Capabilities

    If the NOVELL does not work properly after the installation, it could be

    that the device drives report wrong capabilities. The user can use

    parameters to override the capabilities reported by the connected device


    The user can append parameters with the following format

        [/V] [/drive [dma=dmamode|pio=piomode] [!lba] [!ms]]

    to "load  TRINxxx".


    V       indicates to display verbose information.

    drive   specifies which drive to override on. It can be:

                PM  primary/master

                PS  primary/slave

                SM  secondary/master

                SS  secondary/slave

    dmamode specifies the overriding DMA mode. It can be:

                SW2 single word DMA mode 2

                MW1 multi-word DMA mode 1

                MW2 multi-word DMA mode 2

                NO   not use DMA operation. The PIO will be used.

    piomode specifies the overriding PIO mode. It can be:

                0   PIO mode 0

                1   PIO mode 1

                2   PIO mode 2

                3   PIO mode 3

                4   PIO mode 4

            If the pio_mode is specified, the driver will only use PIO

            operation on the corresponding drive.

    !lba    indicates not to use LBA mode.

    !ms     indicates not to use multi-sectors commands.


                            6.  S C O  U N I X



    1)  Install SCO UNIX 3.2.x or SCO Open Desktop 3.x using the default

        SCO IDE driver.

    2)  Reboot your SCO UNIX system.

    3)  Insert Triones supplied diskette into the 3.5inch floppy drive of

        your system. Use doscp  command to copy the file TRISCO.TAR to your

        /tmp directory.

        For example, if you are using floppy drive A, type:

            doscp  a:/scounix/trisco.tar /tmp/trisco.tar

    4)  From root directory, type the following commands:

            mkdir  /inst

            cd  /inst

            tar  xvf  /tmp/trisco.tar  .

        (NOTE: there is a period at the end of the last command.)

    5)  Now, insert a blank diskette into the floppy drive A and type:

            tar  cvf  /dev/<your floppy drive A device name>  .

        (NOTE: there is a period at the end of the last command.)

        Your floppy drive A device name could be:

            rfd096ds15      5.25    DSHD

            rfd0135ds18     3.5     DSHD

            rfd048ds9       5.25    DSDD

            rfd0135ds9      3.5     DSDD

        Now you have already made an installation diskette for the device

        driver. Start the installation by typing:


    6)  Select the "Install" operation and then follow the guided steps.

        When prompted "Do you want to set the device configuration (y/n)",

        answer "n".

    7)  Reboot your SCO UNIX system.


    1)  Start the de-installation by typing:


    2)  Select the "remove" operation to start the de-installation.

    3)  Then select the All EIDE Bus Master Device Driver Package. The

        driver will be removed from the SCO UNIX System disk and the

        original IDE driver will be restored.

    4)  Reboot your SCO UNIX system and now the TRISCO Device Driver has

        been removed.


    1)  First type command:

            mkdev  hd  unit  SCSI-adapter  0  trisco

        where, the "unit" can be 0 (indicates the master drive) or 1 (

        indicates the slave drive); The "adapter" can be 0 (indicates the

        primary channel) or 1 (indicates the secondary channel). For example,

        to configure the master driver on the secondary IDE channe type:

            mkdev hd 0 SCSI-1  0  trisco

        Then just follow the instructions of this command to update SCSI

        configuration and build a new kernel. Reboot your SCO UNIX system.


    1)  First type command:

            mkdev  cdrom

        Then follow the instructions of this command. Answer the ferfix name

        by ide, the Adapter by 0 (primary channel) or 1 (secondary channel).

        The unit by 0 ( master derive) or 1 (slave drive). The lun by 0.

        If you have not installed the high-sierra file system, answer "y" to

        install it. At last, answer "y" to build a new kernel.

    2)  Reboot your SCO UNIX system.

    3)  To mount a CD-ROM, type:

            mount  -r -f  HS, lower  /dev/cdnumber /<install node>

        where "number" is the CD-ROM device number which can be 0, 1,...,

        depending on the order of the CD-ROM installation, and <install node>

        is a NULL directory name which you can create by command "mkdir".

    4)  Now, you can operate the CD-ROM through the "install node" directory.


6.5.1 Overriding Drive Capabilities

    If the SCO UNIX system does not work properly after the installation,

    it could be that the device drives report wrong capabilities. The user

    can chose parameters to override the capabilities reported by the

    connected device drives.

    1)  Insert the installation diskette in the floppy drive A,  and type


    2)  Select the "install" operation and EIDE Device Driver For Intel

        82430FX to start the process. When prompted "Do you want to set the

        device configuration (y/n)",  answer "y",  then you can set the

        parameters for the driver.

    3)  After you finish, reboot your SCO UNIX system.


                         7.  S C O  U N I X 5.0



    1)  Install SCO UNIX 5.0 using the default SCO IDE driver.

    2)  Reboot your SCO UNIX system.

    3)  Insert Triones supplied diskette into the 3.5inch floppy drive of

        your system. Use doscp command to copy the file TRISCO5.TAR to your

        /tmp directory.

        For example, if you are using floppy drive A, type:

            doscp  a:/scounix/trisco5.tar /tmp/trisco5.tar

    4)  From root directory, type the following commands:

            mkdir  /inst

            cd  /inst

            tar  xvf  /tmp/trisco5.tar  .

        (NOTE: there is a period at the end of the last command.)

    5)  Install the driver by typing:


    6)  Reboot your SCO UNIX system.


    1)  Change the directory to /inst.

    2)  Remove the driver by typing:



                      8.  O S / 2  2.0  and  W A R P  3.X



    1)  Copy TRIOS2.ADD from the floppy diskette to your hard disk under

        the OS2 directory (i.e., C:\OS2).

    2)  Edit C:\CONFIG.SYS  to  replace




    3)  Reboot the system.


    1)  Edit C:\CONFIG.SYS  and change


            back to


    2)  Reboot the system.


8.3.1 Overriding Drive Capabilities

    If the OS/2 system does not work properly after the installation,

    it could be that the device drives report wrong capabilities. The user

    can use parameters to override the capabilities reported by the

    connected device drives.

    The user can append parameters with the following format

        [/V] [/drive [dma=dmamode|pio=piomode] [!lba] [!ms]]



    V       indicates to display verbose information.

    drive   specifies which drive to override on.  It can be:

                PM  primary/master

                PS  primary/slave

                SM  secondary/master

                SS  secondary/slave

    dmamode specifies the overriding DMA mode. It can be:

                SW2 single word DMA mode 2

                MW1 multi-word DMA mode 1

                MW2 multi-word DMA mode 2

                NO   not use DMA operation. The PIO will be used.

    piomode specifies the overriding PIO mode. It can be:

                0   PIO mode 0

                1   PIO mode 1

                2   PIO mode 2

                3   PIO mode 3

                4   PIO mode 4

            If the pio_mode is specified, the driver will only use PIO

            operation on the corresponding drive.

    !lba    indicates not to use LBA mode.

    !ms     indicates not to use multi-sectors commands.


                       9.  S E E V E R  U T I L I T Y


    SEEVER.EXE is a utility that will display the build information for all

    82430FX device drivers. To use this utility type SEEVER and the file name.

    You will see information about the device driver and when it was created.

    The purpose for this utility is to keep track of the different versions

    of the device drivers that might be released in the future.




    Copyright (c) Triones Technologies, Inc.  1994-1995, All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval

    system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,

    mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior

    written consent of Triones Technologies, Inc.  47963A Warm Springs Blvd.

    Fremont, Ca. 94539









    OS/2 is a registered trademark of International Business Machines


    MS-DOS, Windows, MS, Windows NT3.5, Windows 95, Windows for WorkGroups

    311 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

    NOVELL 3.x, NOVELL 4.x are registered trademarks of NOVELL, Inc.

    SCO UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX systems Laboratory, Inc.


    The material in this manual is for information only and is subject to

    change without notice. TRIONES reserves the right to make changes in

    the product design without reservation and without notification to its



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