This redbook provides a resource for implementing the OS/2 Warp Server on the
IBM Netfinity and IBM PC Servers for large enterprises and small businesses.
This book provides detailed instructions on how to configure your IBM hardware
technology such as the SCSI-2 Fast/Wide PCI RAID and Streaming RAID Adapter,
the PC ServeRAID SCSI Adapter, and the IBM SSA RAID Adapter. This redbook
provides instructions for customers and businesses seeking to implement OS/2
Warp Server Advanced on OS/2 Warp Version 4.0.
OS/2 Warp Server supports clients running a variety of desktop operating
systems. This redbook will help you to implement the client software and
provide worry-free network connectivity, as well as identification to the network.
These products include:
OS/2 Warp 4.0 client
IBM Networks Client for Windows 95
IBM Networks Primary Logon Client for Windows NT
IBM Networks Coordinated Logon Client for Windows NT
Linux connection to OS/2 Warp Server
IBM Neighborhood Browser Enabler
Performance monitoring is covered in detail complete with examples of IBM's
NetFinity 5.0. NetFinity helps to determine the performance bottlenecks that may
exist in your hardware and software configurations.
Some knowledge of PC Servers, OS/2 Warp Server Advanced, OS/2 Warp, Linux,
Windows 95, and Windows NT is assumed.