the OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for June 1995

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CON0695.ZIP contains the OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for June 1995 in INF file

format suitable for use with the standard OS/2 "View" utility program 

(VIEW.EXE).  Requires OS/2 2.x or higher.

In addition to the main INF file, the zip file includes the file,

FILE_ID.DIZ, which is used by BBS Sysops to describe the newsletter.

Sections in this issue include:

Title & Publisher

What's New in this Issue?

Sound Off!

Editorial Page

Calendar of Events

Bulletin Boards

Internet Addresses & Locations

Telephone & Fax Numbers

Team OS/2 

OS/2 User Groups

Who's Who of OS/2 (NEW SECTION)


- Books

- Periodicals

- Videos

News & Press Releases

Bitmap of the Month

Software Shopper (NEW SECTION!)


There are two ways of implementing and executing the OS/2 "View" program:

1.  Open an OS/2 Window or Full Screen.

    From the command line, type:

    VIEW CON0695.INF

2.  Create a "View" icon on the OS/2 desktop (either Copy an

    existing OS/2 program icon or use the Program Template from 

    the "Productivity" folder).

    Provide the following "settings" for the program:

    Program Settings -

    Path and File Name:   C:\OS2\VIEW.EXE 

                          (or wherever the program is located)

    Optional Parameters:  CON0695.INF

    Working Directory:    enter the drive\directory path where the INF

                          file resides; for example -




    General Settings -

    Title:  OS/2 CONNECT 

    NOTE:  If you leave the "Optional Parameters" blank, you can drag

           and drop the INF file to your icon.

For questions regarding OS/2 CONNECT, 

contact the Editor & Publisher at:

M. Bryce & Associates, Inc. (MBA)

777 Alderman Road

Palm Harbor, FL  34683

United States

Tel:  813/786-4567

Fax:  813/786-4765

BBS:  813/786-4864


IBM Link:  DEV2643

CompuServe:  76235,2364

Tim Bryce - Editor

OS/2 CONNECT is distributed electronically to the following:

1.  Commercial Networks:

    A.  America Online

        Under "OS/2 Newsletters"

    B.  CompuServe

        In the "IBM OS/2 Users+" Forum, go to the Library & Browse 

        the "Documentation" section.

    C.  IBM Link

        In the "BBS1" section (OS/2 BBS section);

        "SOFTWARELibrary"; "NEWSletters".

2.  On the Internet:

    FTP Sites:    /os2/newsltr


    World Wide Web server:

3.  Bulletin Boards:

    Gateway/2 (St. Louis, MO)                        314/771-9280

    Greater Chicago Online (Chicago, IL)             708/895-4042

    Information Overload (Atlanta, GA)               404/471-1549

    OS/2 Connection (San Diego, CA)                  619/549-4215

    OS/2 Exchange (St. Augustine, FL)                904/823-0751

    OS/2 Northwest (Bellevue, WA)                    206/957-4513

    OS/2 Shareware;Pete Norloff's BBS (Fairfax, VA)  703/385-4325

    The "PRIDE" Network, MBA's BBS (Palm Harbor, FL) 813/786-4864

    Pyramid/2 (Palo Alto, CA)                        415/494-7497

    Spectre (Los Angeles, CA)                        714/751-9307

    Tampa Bay OS/2 Users' Group (Clearwater, FL)     813/562-2249

    Team OS/2 Central BBS (Austin, TX)               512/918-2653

    Toronto OS/2 User's Group (TO/2)                 416/299-4921

The OS/2 CONNECT INF file may be copied and distributed free of

charge.  If you operate a major computer network or BBS and would 

like to be placed on the initial distribution list, please contact 

the publisher.


  • 현재 접속자 132 명
  • 오늘 방문자 1,301 명
  • 어제 방문자 1,667 명
  • 최대 방문자 11,402 명
  • 전체 방문자 2,720,246 명
  • 전체 게시물 3,135 개
  • 전체 댓글수 4,633 개
  • 전체 회원수 110 명

- 쇼핑몰 : Softbox
- 예전 문서 / Old docs
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