CD-Recordable Solutions, OS/2 Component Updates

CD-Recordable Solutions, OS/2 Component Updates

DVD/UDF Support

UDF File System Support, Version 2.01

Last Updated on: 2004-06-30 오후 02:19


Product Information

Bus Type: PCI, USB 

Product Chip / Technologies: 


Driver Information This product is supported by IBM. For Technical Assistance, please refer to the following sources: 

Any README documentation contained within the driver. 

Technical reference material shipped with your device / system, 

The Users Guide to OS/2 Warp, and other reference material contained within the OS/2 Warp product, 

The IBM Software home page for technical support information in your country. 


This software package provides OSTA UDF Revision 2.01 support. The package provides CD-RW, DDCD-RW (Double Density CD-RW), DVD-ROM, DVD-RAM, and DVD+/-RW file system support for OS/2 Warp. See the readme file for supported hardware. To install, download to a temporary directory (for example, xxxx) and in an OS/2 window:

cd xxxx 

udf201 -d 


and reboot the system.

If you are not using Convenience Pak 2, or if Base DD FixPak 3 or later has not been installed, the latest Enhanced IDE DASD and CDROM Support is required. The latest version of Speedstep and Enhanced Speedstep Technology must also be installed. 

The UDF201 package is only supported for use with OS/2 Warp Server for e-business and Convenience Packages for OS/2 Warp 4 and OS/2 Warp Server for e-business. Other versions of OS/2 are not supported. 

The most current version of this device driver package is part of the IBM Software Choice offerings. 

To learn more about IBM Software Choice visit their home page. 




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