SingOS/2 May 1996 Issue

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SingOS/2 May 1996 Issue


The Singapore OS/2 User Group is proud to announce the open availability of their monthly newsletter, SingOS/2.  This issue is also the first time it has been produced in electronic format, and Adobe Acrobat format no less!

SingOS/2 has been produced on paper for its members for about a year now, and contains news, articles and opinions about OS/2, IBM and the computer industry in general.  This Acrobat format is primarily an experiment for on Acrobat; see Things to do below for our ambitions.

The contents of this archive:


README.1ST This file

SOS29605.PDF Adobe Acrobat format of SingOS/2

Software Requirements:


In order to view the newsletter, you will need a recent version of Adobe Acrobat reader.  Any currently available version in the supported platforms should do.  However, we highly recommend the Adobe Acrobat "Amber" version for OS/2 Warp.  You can obtain more information and download the readers from

Things to do:


1. Enable hyperlinks in the contents list

2. Continue to improve the contents based on reader feedback

3. Migrate topic segments from paper version

4. Learn more about Acrobat publishing!

5. Get more interesting articles!!

How to contact us:


You may send us your comments, views, opinions, tips, hints and even articles to:

Robert Tan -

Alvin Tan -

Chat with us in our IRC channel: #os2sg

Visit our website at:

The Singapore OS/2 User Group


Our user group celebrated its 4th anniversary this year in March 1996.  The user group grew up from its roots in the National University of Singapore, where a small group of lecturers and students got together to share and learn about OS/2.  By the following year, the user group threw open its doors to the general public.  Membership is free and we welcome one and all.  We have a registered membership of over 100.  The user group meets on the first Friday every month at IBM Singapore.  The Singapore User Group is indebted to the support provided by IBM Singapore, and its dedicated group of Team OS/2 supporters!!


  • 현재 접속자 107 명
  • 오늘 방문자 1,583 명
  • 어제 방문자 1,350 명
  • 최대 방문자 11,402 명
  • 전체 방문자 2,780,154 명
  • 전체 게시물 3,140 개
  • 전체 댓글수 4,638 개
  • 전체 회원수 115 명

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