2002년 세레니티 시스템즈에 보냈던 제안서와 영문 편지.

아래는 영문 편지 내용입니다.



I'm very sorry for my unexpected mail to you.

I'm one of bone-deep OS/2 Users in Korea.

After OS/2 Warp 3.0, I have used OS/2 since 1994.(Why? There is no reason for OS/2.)

As you know, unfortunately, there is no more OS/2 for Koreans in Korea.

In 1999, IBM Korea announced that they would not support OS/2 for Korean version.

But, in spite of unsupporting, there are many OS/2 Users in Korea.

And they want to use OS/2 for a long time.

In Korea, there are some OS/2 User groups, http://os2fan.new21.org, http://community.chol.com/os2.

Different from Other English Country, Korea has each own language, "Hangul".

So, if we have to use OS/2, we must customize OS/2 for Korean, ie, OS/2 required "Customization for Korean".

But, as I said early, IBM Korea stopped to support and they told me "we'll not sell and technically support OS/2 in Korea".

I was very sad to hear that. But because of much charm of OS/2 and hatred of bad OS(WIN), 

I have searched any possible ways of using OS/2 in Korea. One of those ways, it's to mail to OS/2 relatives in IBM US.

(Why not in IBM Korea? They said, "No".)

Dear Mr. Wesley, how can I comfortably use OS/2 in Korea?

If supporting company need in Korea, OS/2 Users in Korea have even an intention to establish one.

But how can that company receive the right of OS/2 for Korean? I think that's the real problem.

So, would you mind answering to me the OS/2 Policy in Korea of IBM US?

Even in IBM US, they want not to sell or support OS/2 in Korea?

Or as like the case of Serenity Systems, if any trustable company occurred for Korean OS/2,

does IBM US have any intension to transfer or make contract with cooperation?

I'm sorry for my impolite mail, again.(I'm short of English.)

I'll wait for your reply. 

Thank you very much.

Sincerely yours

Alex from Korea


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