[드라이버] Intel PCIe Gigabit Ethernet Adapter "OS/2 Community" …

Intel PCIe Gigabit Ethernet Adapter "OS/2 Community" Driver for OS/2 & eCS V0.1.6




 This is a current build of the latest snapshot of the E1000E driver source 

 which is currently at V0.1.6+ level. This should match the code level

 and realibility to the last official release of this driver.

 This driver will work only on newer PCI Express based Intel network chipsets,

 the old PCI based adapter family is supported by the last official E1000 OS/2

 driver made by Intel or IBM.



 Unpack the files from the archive in a temporary location, then use your 

 favorite MPTS utility to install the driver.

Special Thanks


 We express our thanks to Mensys BV, especially David for starting the Multimac

 project to address the requirement for native network drivers and to support 

 PCIe based network chipsets on the market. Multimac has its roots in the 

 NVETH driver port made by nickk. We also want to thank nickk for the good 

 nvidia nforce network family driver port and making the code available.

Known Issues


 The driver will always report the 'loaded ok' message during bootup, this 

 means that non matching hardware, ressource problems amoung other errors will 

 not be reported properly because this kind of error proccessing hasn't been 

 implemented yet.

Report Errors



 You may report failures connected with the driver to the multimac trac ticket 

 system. Please check first if the same bug was already reported or already 

 fixed. URL: http://svn.ecomstation.nl/multimac

Debug Driver


 For a deep analysis its required to have access to a more detailed debug log

 which is provided by the debug driver version of the E1000E driver. There are 

 two versions available in the \debug subdirectory of this package, the 'com' 

 version will write the log to a com1 (3f8h) terminal, the 'mem' debug variant

 will write it to an internal memory buffer. The driver has limited error 

 handling, because of it hardware mismatches or init problems will not 

 be reported.





 Multimac Trac active tickets list 


 Intel PRO/100/1000 PCI OS/2 driver 




 Please check the included LICENSE file in this package for more details.



마루 2019.01.05 01:08
  • 현재 접속자 227 명
  • 오늘 방문자 833 명
  • 어제 방문자 1,308 명
  • 최대 방문자 11,402 명
  • 전체 방문자 2,850,676 명
  • 전체 게시물 3,149 개
  • 전체 댓글수 4,648 개
  • 전체 회원수 116 명

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