[문서] Migrating to OS/2Warp Server for e-business

마루 0 11,737 2020.09.26 01:50

Migrating to OS/2 Warp Server for e-business explores important migration

issues for network administrators in charge of migrating their servers from

previous OS/2 Warp Server and OS/2 LAN Server releases to the latest

member of the OS/2 Warp Server family. In addition to migration issues, this

document discusses many new product features introduced with OS/2 Warp

Server for e-business, such as Logical Volume Manager, Journaled File

System (JFS), new CID functions, and how administrators can make use of


System administrators, network specialists, network managers, and other

technicians can refer to this book to understand, plan, and execute the

migration task. We emphasize effective migration scenarios providing real

world examples of procedures that will ease the migration process.

This redbook is an update to the soft copy version included with OS/2 Warp

Server for e-business. This redbook also includes a CD-ROM with many of

the sample files and scripts described in the chapters.


  • 현재 접속자 245 명
  • 오늘 방문자 730 명
  • 어제 방문자 1,677 명
  • 최대 방문자 11,402 명
  • 전체 방문자 2,852,250 명
  • 전체 게시물 3,149 개
  • 전체 댓글수 4,648 개
  • 전체 회원수 116 명

- 쇼핑몰 : Softbox
- 예전 문서 / Old docs
- FTP Server: http://ftp.hanmesoft.com
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