Stupid OS/2 Tricks, release #6 -- September 1995

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Stupid OS/2 Tricks, release #6 -- September 1995

"Stupid OS/2  Tricks" is  a  collection  of OS/2 tips and tricks  that

I've collected over  time from various sources,  including the various

Fidonet OS/2 echoes, the  various OS/2 Usenet newsgroups, OS/2-related

books and articles, other user group members, and through just general

playing around with my OS/2 machines.

"Stupid OS/2  Tricks" was inspired  by the "Clever Tricks"  section of

Tim Sipples' *wonderful* Frequently Asked Questions list (we love you,

Tim!).  I thought  that it  would be  neat to  expand on  Tim's clever

tricks, because  I kept  seeing interesting tips  and tricks  and kept

saying to  myself, "Someone  ought to write  this all  down." However,

Tim's doing the work of about one hundred OS/2-ers already, so...

I will try to keep "Stupid OS/2  Tricks" updated as I gather more neat

stuff about OS/2. Keep in mind that  I'm no expert on OS/2, so I can't

absolutely guarantee  that all  the tips and  tricks contained  in the

file will  work on every  OS/2 v2.x system. So  use at your  own risk!

(Standard disclaimer of liability applies.)

"Stupid OS/2  Tricks" is in  INF format, therefore it  requires OS/2's

VIEW.EXE to  read it. Just  type "VIEW  TRICKS" (without quotes)  at a

command line on your OS/2 machine.

In order to create a viewable Stupid OS/2 Tricks object:

1. Place TRICKS.INF into your \OS2\BOOK subdirectory.

2. Open the Templates folder and drag out a Program template with mouse

   button 2.  A Settings notebook will open.

3. In the Path and File Name box, fill in:


   (where <drive> is the drive on which you have OS/2 installed)

4. In the Parameters box, fill in:


   (where <drive> is the drive on which you have OS/2 installed)

5. Optionally fill in the General page with a name and the included


6. Close the Settings notebook.  You should now have an object which

   will bring up Stupid OS/2 Tricks when opened.

Revision history:

release #1 - Nov 93, first release

release #2 - Dec 93; details in TRICKS.INF

release #3 - Jan 94; details in TRICKS.INF

release #4 - Apr 94; details in TRICKS.INF;

                     included a silly icon in the archive

release #5 - Nov 94; added section on OS/2 Warp

release #6 - Sep 95; details in TRICKS.INF

I can be contacted at:


Fidonet, Sysop @ 1:233/4


For our international friends, the "stupid" in the title is derived 

from a popular night time talk show.

Thanks to Jack Tan for his help and criticisms.


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