[드라이버] MGA Millennium/Mystique OS/2 PM Display Driver Version 2.02.03…
2009.08.14 11:25
The MGA Millennium/Mystique OS/2 PM Display Driver
Version 2.02.037
Product Description
The MGA Millennium/Mystique OS/2 PM driver supports 8-bit (256 colors), 16-bit
(64K colors), and 24- and 32-bit (16M colors) display modes under OS/2 2.11 and
3.0 (Warp), in resolutions ranging from 640 x 480 to 1800 x 1440.
Driver Installation
To install the software, follow the procedure below:
1. If you have previously configured OS/2 for another graphics card, then
you should uninstall the drivers for that card. Be sure that OS/2 will
start up in VGA mode before installing the MGA Millennium/Mystique
2. If you downloaded the driver from the Matrox BBS, use the DOS LABEL
command to label your floppy as OS2.
3. Using the Command Prompts folder of OS/2, open an OS/2 Window or Full
Screen session.
4. Insert the driver disk in a floppy drive (if you are installing from
the floppy disk) or insert the CD-ROM in its drive bay.
5. Make the CD-ROM or floppy disk the active drive and type:
where SRCPATH is the path which contains the MGA PM drivers.
A:INSTALL (if installing from a diskette with OS/2 only)
A:OS2INSTALL (if installing from diskette with OS/2 and NT)
D:OS2INSTALL (if installing from a CD-ROM)
Note: if you install this driver to a Warp System, you may run
INSTALL /U for all but Japanese OS/2
INSTALL /UJ for Japanese OS/2
and everything will be installed without any further input from the
user (primary, secondary selection, driver selection, and source
disk/path selection).
6. You will see a dialog box in which you can select the Primary Display.
Choose "Matrox MGA Millennium/Mystique Series". You may have to change
the source drive if you are not installing from drive A.
7. The installation program will then proceed with the installation. When
it is complete, you will have to shut down your system in order for the
MGA driver to take effect.
If you are installing this driver for the first time, OS/2 will restart in
Matrox default MGA resolution (640 x 480 x 16M). You may wish to select your
monitor and/or a different resolution before shutting down. To do this, use
the MGA Settings notebook, as explained in the next section.
Note: If you are using Selective Install in OS/2 Warp, the MGA
Millennium/Mystique driver shows up as "Other."
Driver Configuration
To change the driver monitor configuration or mode (resolution or pixel depth),
use the following procedure:
1. Double-click on the MGA Settings icon on the desktop.
2. Select the Monitor tab and either select Display Data Channel (if
available) or choose your monitor from the list provided.
3. Select the Resolution tab and choose the resolution/pixel depth.
You will need to reboot the system to see the change take effect.
CID Installation
Please refer to the README.CID file on the driver disk for information
concerning CID installation.
Uninstalling the Driver
The Matrox UNINSTAL command file makes use of the OS/2 DSPINSTL.EXE program
to switch the display driver from MGA mode back to VGA mode, as shown in the
following procedure:
1. Open an OS/2 Text Window (or Full Screen) session.
2. Enter: CD MGAOS2
UNINSTAL CLEAN (to also delete the Matrox files from your hard disk)
3. Once the MGA driver has been uninstalled, the DSPINSTL utility will
launch. Select Primary Display, then choose the driver you require (for
example, VGA).
You will need to reboot the system to see the change take effect.
Note: With Warp, there are two additional ways to switch the driver from MGA
mode to VGA mode:
1. You can access a menu by pressing Alt+F1 when the OS/2 logo appears
in the upper left corner of the screen during the bootup process.
This menu will allow you to change the driver to VGA by selecting
the appropriate option.
2. You can also change the driver to VGA by running the following program
in an OS/2 window or full screen session:
Monitor Customization using Matrox's MGA Settings Notebook
The OS/2 Millennium/Mystique driver supports VESA DDC-2B compliant monitors.
If your monitor is not detected as DDC compliant, the driver will take the
"Unknown Monitor" hardcoded timings, which assume that you have a monitor
supporting all resolutions available on your board at a 60Hz refresh rate
If you have a monitor that is capable of refresh rates higher than 60Hz, you
can perform monitor file customization with the help of the MGA settings
notebook. This program creates a file called MGA.INF, which contains the
appropriate video parameters for your monitor. The MGA.INF file is read by the
MGA display driver when OS/2 boots.
The MGA settings notebook is located in the System Setup folder, described
You must shut down OS/2 and reboot your computer for the changes to take
Note: The timing information in MGA.INF overrides the timing info returned by
DDC compliant monitors. If you are using a DDC compliant monitor, and you do
not wish to override the monitor's timing info, then check the "Use Data
Display Channel (DDC)" box.
Driver configuration using the MGA settings notebook
Advanced configuration of the MGA driver can be performed through the MGA
settings notebook, located in the System Setup folder and shadowed on the
Fonts page:
You may change font settings for the current resolution, and they will be
remembered if you switch resolutions. You may change font resolution and
system font size using the Fonts page. To change the default AVIO font,
open an OS/2 or DOS Window, select Font Size from the system menu, select
the desired font, and click the Save button. Your selection will be stored
when you exit the MGA settings notebook.
Font resolution affects your desktop icon font. The system font is used
for window titles and menus and also affects window sizes.
Note that the default values for the fonts are:
System Font Font res AVIO Font
640x480 Small 96 8x14
800x600 Small 96 8x14
1024x768 Medium 120 12x22
1152x864 Large 120 12x22
1280x1024 Large 120 12x22
1600x1200 Large 120 12x22
1600x1280 Large 120 12x22 (Millennium PowerDoc only)
1800x1440 Large 120 12x22 (Millennium PowerDoc only)
Advanced page:
1. Grayscale driver switch
Owners of the Millennium PowerDoc Edition may enable the grayscale driver
switch, which defines whether 8 bits per pixel should be in 256 colors or
256 gray shades.
2. DIVE switch
Due to an OS/2 problem in 32 bpp, the Warp Digital Video player image
may be shifted to the left. 24 bpp may trap under certain conditions.
The MGA settings notebook has a switch to ensure DIVE is always enabled in
24 and 32bpp. Note that when the box is not checked, DIVE will still be
used in some cases where no problems were found to occur with OS/2 FixPak
17 installed.
3. EnDIVE switch
If you wish to enable/disable EnDIVE support, use the EnDIVE switch.
For all changes you make with the MGA setttings notebook, except for hot key
changes, you must reboot your computer to see the changes take effect.
Driver configuration using MGACONF.CMD
1. Cursor Vsync
The cursor may exhibit some "noise" when an application changes the color
palette. This switch forces to wait for a Vsync before changing the
palette. The drawback is a loss of speed when changing the palette. Some
animated application requires fast changing palette. This switch applies
only to 8 bpp. The problem occurs only on the Millennium card, not the
Mystique card.
mgaconf v 0 (off)
mgaconf v 1 (on)
Default is 1.
2. Color cursor
mgaconf c [0/1/2],
where 0 will disable the software cursor (you will have 2 or less colors
in the cursor)
1 will enable the software cursor (multicolor cursor)
2 will enable the software cursor if the cursor has 4 or more colors
Default is 1.
File description
Assume: <S> -> Source path
<D> -> Destination drive (OS/2 system drive).
<W> -> WinOS/2 or Windows path (os2mdoswinos2 or windows)
<S>INSTALL.CMD --> stay where it is.
(pack file) <D>:MGAOS2MGAX64S.DSP
<S>MGAX64W.OS2 --> <W>:SMGAX64.DRV
(pack file) <W>:MGAX64.DLL
<S>MGAX64.DSP --> stay where it is.
<S>VVGA.SYS --> <D>:MGAOS2 and <D>:OS2MDOS
MGAX64.DSP installation support file for "dspinst" (for first install)
MGAX64S.DSP installation support file for "dspinst" (for re-install)
MGAX64.DSC installation support file
MGAX64.DLL initialization library for Win-OS/2 fullscreen
BMGAX64.DLL Base Video Handle (sets VGA for OS/2 fullscreen)
PMGAX64.DLL 32bit PM driver (8, 16 and 32bpp)
KMGAX64.SYS low-level initialization for 32bit PM driver
SMGAX64.DRV Win-OS/2 Fullscreen and Seamless driver
VMGAX64.SYS Virtual MGA Millennium/Mystique driver (for DOS sessions)
VVGA.SYS Modified IBM VGA virtual driver.
README.OS2 Readme file
INSTALL.CMD first time installation
MGASET.EXE MGA Settings notebook
MGASET.DLL MGA Settings notebook text strings
MGASET.HLP MGA Settings notebook help
MGAHK.EXE hot key trapping applet
MGACONF.CMD Configuration utility for PM driver
FIXAUTO.CMD inserts "SET MGA=x:MGAOS2" in autoexec.bat (Win-OS/2)
UNINSTAL.CMD uninstalls driver (and optionally removes all
Millennium/Mystique files from hard drive)
MGA.MON MGA Monitor data file for MGA settings notebook
SETUP.EXE Monitor program to create MGA.INF out of MGA.MON
SYSLEVEL.MGA driver Version info
(use OS/2 command syslevel.exe to obtain the driver Version)
MGAOBJ.CMD MGA object installation
The following bugs and limitations are present in this release of the
?When using the DSPINSTL program to reconfigure your MGA driver, the program
states that VGA is the current driver. This is because the DSPINSTL program
included with OS/2 does not correctly identify the MGA Millennium or
?The MGA PowerDesk Windows drivers should NOT be used in a Win-OS/2 full
screen session. The results will be highly unpredictable. If the MGA
windows driver features are absolutely needed, then a dual-boot configuration
must be used. When booting from DOS, the PowerDesk Windows driver features
are fully supported.
?The driver does not work with Mayo Clinic Family Health Book (Windows app.)
in seamless Windows at 16bpp (64K colors). If you need to run this
application, please run it in Win-OS/2 fullscreen instead or change the
colors to 256 or 16M.
?The mouse pointer may jump while panning.
?The MGA settings notebook may cause a system error if running when the system
is shut down. Close the notebook before shutting down.
?It is necessary to shut down all Win-OS/2 sessions prior to installing the
driver. Make sure the "Fast load" option in Win-OS/2 Setup (in the System
Setup folder) is not checked, and close Win-OS/2 Setup prior to install.
Otherwise, required Win-OS/2 files will not be copied, and install will fail.
?Using the large OS/2 system font on OS/2 2.11 causes some text in the MGA
settings notebook to be cut off. This is due to an OS/2 bug in the font