This redbook consists of the latest high availability software solutions from Legato
Systems, Inc. for Intel-based systems. These software solutions were formerly
affiliated with Vinca, Inc. Particular attention is focused on the IBM Netfinity for
small-to-medium enterprises on which Legato Systems’ high availability software
has been designed for implementation. In addition, in this redbook we provide
information you should consider when selecting and configuring new IBM
hardware such as IBM ServeRAID 3H SCSI Adapters and the IBM Fibre Channel
In this redbook, we document a very quick and easy implementation to help you
to plan, install and configure the new Co-StandbyServer for Windows NT,
StandbyServer and SnapShotServer for NetWare, and StandbyServer for OS/2
We give you a broad understanding of the StandbyServer architecture designed
for Intel-based systems. IBM exploits the features and functions of StandbyServer
by integrating its SCSI and Fibre Channel technology into a well-packaged
Netfinity high availability offering. This technology has been graphically illustrated
in several chapters throughout this redbook.
This redbook will help you design a StandbyServer and Netfinity solution to
complement your present network environment, greatly enhancing the availability
of your groupware, databases, Internet, business and office applications.
Some knowledge of IBM Netfinity servers, StandbyServer products, Microsoft
Windows NT Server, Novell NetWare and OS/2 Warp Server is assumed. Although
the StandbyServer products are now available from Legato Systems, Inc., these
products continue to be marketed with the Vinca name.