Readme for VirtualBox for OS/2 and eComStation v SVN r9190
and read all documentation, so you have a clue...
NEXT: Now that you think you have a clue, download the manual:
and read it !
This is a first quick and dirty - and absolutely UNofficial
release of VirtualBox for OS/2 and eComStation.
Official versions will be available from
This version is a development snapshot - as in "todays" state.
This is NOT GA quality code - this is (pre-)beta code !!!
This software might hang your system, and trash your HD's !!!
Now, you have been warned !!
If you have any problems, please download the source, and fix
the problem yourself - and send the fix to Virtualbox people :-)
Stuff needed to run Vbox:
libc063.dll ->
Snap, Panorama or Gengradd (SNAP mode or Dive mode)
Just unpack the zip anywhere you want.
If you do not already have libc063.dll installed,
install the package from Netlabs ftp.
Install the device driver in config.sys like this:
If you want TAP/HIF networking support, you need to install the
TAP driver.
Copy the files tap.nif and prot.os2 to
Start mpts.exe , select "TAP driver for Vbox/2" and add it as
it was a new nic. Select the TCP/IP protocol, and add it to
the TAP driver.
Exit mpts, and reboot.
Vbox now comes with 2 different interfaces:
VboxBFE.EXE and VirtualBox.exe .. these will be mentioned as the
SDL version and QT version
SDL version is a simple version where everything is done from CMD line.
QT version has nice GUI for just about all setups, and makes life easier
for any end user.
There is no reason to explain how to run the QT version - simply
run Virtualbox.exe and click on :-)
If you decide to run the SDL version, here is a quick start:
Before starting Vbox, you need to create an HD image file,
that Vbox can use as its virtual HD.
The HD images created are not created at the size you specify,
the size you specify is the max size, the image file can grow
to. So don't hesitate to specify some Gigs, even if you do not
currently have available space for that :-)
To create an image file, run:
VDITOOL NEW myimage.vdi 4000
This creates an imagefile named myimage.vdi which can max grow
to a size of 4GB. Notice that the image is only a few bytes large
when you create it - it expands automatically, when it is needed
(up to the max size you have chosen)
FAT and HPFS do only support files up to MAX 2GB
If you want use images larger than 2GB, you need put is on
a JFS volume !
For installing any OS, you need either an ISO(CDROM) imagefile
or a floppy image file - both of course have to be bootable.
Assuming a WinXP_SP2.ISO to install, start Vbox this way:
vboxBFE.exe -m 256 -cdrom WinXP_SP2.iso -hda myimage.vdi -boot d -natdev1 -share c:\ Cdrive
-m 256 specifies that Vbox should use 256MB RAM. This
amount _needs_ to be available as free RAM, or Vbox will terminate.
If you do not have this amount available, specify a smaller amount.
Specify more, if you have that much RAM, and needs it in Vbox.
-share C: Cdrive enables your C: drive as a shared folder in the guest
To enable NAT networking:
-natdev1 This requires no other setup, and is the easiest way get networking
in a guest.
To enable hif/tap networking:
-hifdev2 TAP$ -brdev2 lan0
This enables communication with the TAP driver, and makes the TAP
driver connect as a bridge to lan0 netadapter (on host).
If you have more than 1 NIC in your PC, and want to send networking
from guest to another NIC, just change the last lanX to your needs.
Use only either -natdev or -hifdev commands.
Note: the "HOST-KEY" to release keyboard and mouse is the right <ctrl> key !
You should now have your XP (or whatever) installed :-)
You can change "-boot d" to "-boot -c" which makes VBox boot from
the HD image file, instead of the ISO image
To make it run a bit smoother, you might wanna download the "additions" ISO:
Just change the cdrom parameter to point to the downloaded iso file, and
install it (from d: if XP)
Additions will bring you seamless mouse and keyboard operation, among others..
Known issues:
- Vbox/2 can't access physical devices (cdrom floppy HD comport USB),
only images
- OS/2 MCP2 should be supported as guest OS, but is doesn't work
when using this host version.
- You can currently only run 1 Vbox/2 at a time.
- Shared clipboard is not implemented yet.
OS/2 Specific Features
1. System key combinations such as Alt+Tab, Ctrl+Esc are crrently always
grabbed by the host and never reach the guest even when the keyboard
is captured. In order to send these combinations, use the following
shortcuts (where Host is the host key defined in the global settings):
Host+` (Tilde/Backquote) => Ctrl+Esc
Host+1 => Alt+Tab
Host+2 => Alt+Shift+Tab
Have fun with Vbox, and remember, you got it for free !
IF this testcase doesn't work for you,
join developement team, and fix the bugZ !
The tap driver is (c) Willibald Meyer, who kindly gave us permission
to include it in this package.
Hermi fixed the TAP/Host interface stuff to work in GUI / QT version.
This version of Vbox brought to you by Creeping (aka Paul Smedley).
README and other TXT files by Yoda.
Qemu-img.exe was ported by Froloff
Find all us on IRC at #netlabs channel
or in new Virtualbox forum for OS/2 host: