[프로그램] BC++ 2.0 for OS/2

마루 0 15,688 2007.02.19 12:55


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                       TABLE OF CONTENTS

SECTION 1     System Requirements

SECTION 2     Installing BC++ 2.0 for OS/2
              A)   Upgrading
              B)   Installation Instructions

SECTION 3     Modifications the Install Program Makes to
              Your System

SECTION 4     How to Get a Technical Information Document

SECTION 5     How to Submit a Problem Report Form


Before installing BC++ 2.0 please review the minimum
system requirements listed below:

   8 MB system memory
   OS2 2.1 or later
   approximately 30MB hard disk space
   CD ROM Drive

NOTE: On a compressed hard disk the installation process
might need additional hard disk space.

SECTION -2-  INSTALLING Borland C++ for OS/2 v2.0

A) Upgrading:

   If you have a previous version of Borland C++ for OS2 on
   your system you will want to erase that version before
   installing Borland C++ for OS2 version 2.0.  Installing
   to a different directory will not work, as LIBPATH can
   only support one location for the required Dynamic Link

B) Installation Instructions:

1. Backup your desktop.  There are instructions on how
   to backup your OS2 desktop in Appendix C of your
   OS/2 2.1 User's Guide  (Using the Operating System).

2. Insert the BC++ installation disk into the CDROM drive.

3. From an OS2 command prompt session, change drives to the
   CDROM drive.  Change directories to the INSTALL directory.

3. The BC++ installation screen should appear, with the
   Program Manager desktop behind it. Select the correct
   directory for the OS2 directory (ex: C:\OS2).  Select the
   correct destination directory (ex: C:\BCOS2).  Click on
   Tools and Library Options or Miscellaneous Options from
   the install menu if you are going to change the default

4. Choose INSTALL to begin installation.


This section describes the files that are added by the install
program to your OS2 directories and modifications that are
made to the CONFIG.SYS file.  Please note that these are
example modifications based on a default installation.

In the \OS2\DLL directory:


Changes made to these system files:


Added to the CONFIG.SYS file:

SET PATH={previous path};C:\BCOS2\BIN
LIBPATH={previous path};C:\BCOS2\LIB
SET IPFC={previous path};C:\BCOS2\IPFC
SET HELP={previous path};C:\BCOS2\HELP
SET BOOKSHELF={previous path};C:\BCOS2\BIN


Technical Information Documents contain tips, techniques,
and enhanced information on using Borland development tools,
and information on commonly asked programming questions.
Such documents often include programming examples.  These
documents can be accessed via modem or fax.  Technical
files which contain binary modules, such as patches for
released Borland products, are normally available only from
those services that can be accessed by modem.  Documents can
be accessed from the following sources:

A) Fax the document from Borland's TechFax Service.
   Call (800) 822-4269 from a touch-tone phone. When
   prompted, enter your FAX number, then enter the document
   number you want to receive. The document will be faxed to
   you shortly.
   Here are two important Technical Information Documents:

      * 3       General Catalog of All Documents Available
      * 1171    Problem Report Form

B) Download the document from:

   -The Borland Download Bulletin Board Service (DLBBS)
    (408) 431-5096, protocol 8N1
   -The Borland Automated Online Service (OAS)
    (408) 431-5250, protocol 8N1
    Internet users can also Telnet ftp.borland.com
      to access the OAS.
   -The Borland-supported FTP site on Internet
    ftp.borland.com (IP Address is
   -The Borland-supported forums on CompuServe, Genie.
     for CIS type : Go Borland
     for GENIE type: Borland

   Most of the files on the Download BBS, the FTP site, and
   Compuserve are stored an archived (compressed) format and
   need to be unarchived before they can be used. If you don't
   have the unarchiving utility PKUNZIP v.204G or newer,
   download PKZ204G.EXE from the DLBBS and execute it under
   a DOS session.  You'll receive PKUNZIP and PKZIP utilities.


   If you have encountered something that seems to be a
   defect with the product, you can submit a problem report
   form describing the problem.  Keep in mind that this form
   is only for problems with the product: if you need technical
   support, please refer to the README file for information on
   how to obtain technical support. This form can be obtained
   from the TechFax system as document number 1171, or it can be
   downloaded as the file TI1171.ZIP from any of our file sites.  
   For further instructions on how to receive this form, please
   refer to the previous section on how to obtain a technical
   information document.

-------------------END OF FILE INSTALL.TXT------------------

일전에 좀딱님이 올렸던 듯 하네요. (물론 천리안 자료실에 말이죠.)


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- 쇼핑몰 : Softbox
- 예전 문서 / Old docs
- FTP Server: http://ftp.hanmesoft.com
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