[프로그램] iLink/2 v0.99d

마루 0 16,623 2008.04.23 06:42
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                             - iLink/2 v0.99d -
                              Public Beta/Demo

NOTE:  The docs are the same for .99c and .99d which is a maintenance
release.  No new functions or cosmetic changes have been made, however
the code itself has been ported to Visual Age CPP for the 1.00 release.

If you have not already, please read the README.1ST file for installation
instructions.  Also, check the history.txt file for the latest updates/
bugfix notifications.


iLink/2 is a PM drop-in replacement for IBM's 'Dial Other Internet Provider'
(hereafter called 'DOIP').  It is designed to duplicate the basic dialing
capabilities of DOIP, and build on them. It's features include:

        Built in redialing
        Multiple number support
        CPS monitor
        Bytes tracking
        Commandline auto-dial
        Program autostarts
        Automatic reconnection
        Enhanced configurability
        Saving of window positions, colours and fonts
        Condensed window for better space usage
        Full compatibility with DOIP

Built in redialing

Checking the "redial" box in the configuration window will enable the built
in redialing feature.  The spin box to the side contains the number of redial
attempts you wish to make.  Setting it from 2-100 will limit it to a specific
amount.  Setting it to 0 will cause it to redial indefinitely.  Setting it
to 1 will just show that you really don't know how to count.  :)

Multiple number support

Instead of having a single line to input a single number, the phone number(s)
field now allows you to enter numerous numbers.  Each number should be
on a separate row, and should be terminated with an <enter>.  The numbers
will show up in the list box on the main window.  If no number is selected,
the numbers will be scrolled through from top to bottom before the redial
counter is updated.  Optionally, you may select individual numbers, and only
those will be dialled.

CPS monitor

The CPS monitor is an inexact science.  The CPS is based upon packets, not
an actual byte count.  This can cause values that may look somewhat extreme
at times.  Also, if OS/2 becomes bogged down, the update messages may take
longer to process, resulting in multiple packets being included in a single
"second".  The average CPS is generally the most accurate, since packet
abnormalities generally don't modify it extensively.

Bytes tracking

Incoming and outgoing bytes DOES include the TCP/IP packet header information.
For this reason, the byte count cannot be used to attempt to determine

Commandline auto-dial

iLink/2 allows you to automatically dial a provider using the commandline,
or argument in the settings window.  The only argument needed is the name of
the provider.  This corresponds to the "ISP Name" field of the entry notebook.
Note, the argument is case sensitive.  "Provider" and "provider" are considered
to be different.

example:  ilink2 Advantis

Program autostarts

Program autostarts is an added 5th page to the entry notebook.  At present,
it only supports OS/2 executables (ie, no DOS, Windows or .CMD files).  CMD
files will gain support in future versions, and DOS and Windows will be
considered if requested.
The programs will be run as soon as the connection is completed.  After they
are run, the "Disable Autostarts" button of the main window will be checked
to prevent their re-run in the case of a disconnection.

Automatic reconnection

Reconnection will be automatically attempted if you are disconnected from
your ISP for a non-user requested reason.  Note, if redial is not selected,
it will only try to reconnect once, and if it cannot, will stop trying.

Enhanced configurability

Some of the things that are forced upon you by DOIP are made optional.  That
means, you can select whether you wish the dialer to ask you to confirm
hang ups and exits.  You may also choose to start iLink/2 up minimized (best
used with automatic dial via an argument), have it beep you to notify you
when it connects, and minimize as soon as it connects to keep it out of
your way.

Saving of window positions, colours and fonts

The main window, 3 statistics windows (CPS, Bytes and Time) and Notebook will
all maintain the placement that they are last closed at.  This means that
you can position them in the location you wish just once, and they will
always stay there.  You may also drag and drop fonts and colours on the
windows to customize the look of iLink/2.  These also will be stored, and
used the next time iLink/2 is run.

Condensed window for better space usage

iLink/2 possess both a normal sized window, and a condensed window.  Those
who wish to have all the options and information easily available can
stick with the default normal window.  Those who are more interested in
saving desktop space can switch to the condensed window, sacrificing
a little of the non-crucial extras.

Full compatibility with DOIP

iLink/2 was designed from the ground up to be fully compatible, backward and
forward with DOIP.  The provider information that you may have already setup
will be read, and can be used with little or no modification.  And, if for
any reason you are unsatisfied with iLink/2, you can return to using DOIP
without any changes.


This version of iLink/2 is classified as both a beta and a demo.  It has
been tested, but all features are not in place, and it remains possible
you may encounter some abnormalities.  iLink/2 can best be viewed as 'work
in progress'.  Improvements, additions and fixes will be constantly
implemented.  The classification as a demo was made for a reason that is
unrelated to the program itself.  For all intents and purposes, iLink/2
can be viewed as Shareware, at the present time.


iLink/2, as a demo program, is limited.  After 30 minutes of connect time,
you will be notified you are still using a demo version.  This has been
modified from the previous 0.99a version.  IT WILL NO LONGER HANG YOU UP.
All other functionality remain intact.  There are no crippled options, there
are no nag screens on opening or closing.  For registration information,
please read the REGISTER.TXT file.

Registration is currently $25 US dollars.

For site licensing, please See the order form.

If you decide that you are not interested in registering iLink/2, please
delete it from your system after you have made your evaluation.

Registration will enable you to use any version up in the 0.XX and 1.XX

Contacting the Author

BMT Micro, Inc.

email           : bmt@wilmington.net
web             : http://www.bmtmicro.com

For any bug reports, or suggestions, please make sure to include 'iLink/2' in
the subject, so it can be properly filtered.  Please also indicate the
version number you are using (NOTE: the letter is important) so that I can
make sure you have the latest.

Personal Thanks

Brian, whose wife is also Brian  (Monty Python, Life of Brian)
Kim Rasmussen, for helping with 1.0 development and beyond
Our Fearless Project Leader


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