Escape GL

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                            Escape GL - READ.ME


Welcome to Escape GL.

This file contains information you need to install Escape GL,

and additional information not included in the product documentation.

This README file is divided into the following categories:

   -  Before You Install Escape GL

       -Software Requirements

       -Hardware Requirements

   -  Getting Help

   -  Installing Escape GL

   -  Late-Breaking News

   -  Trademarks

   -  Your Satisfaction

Before You Install Escape GL


   Software Requirements


    OS/2 Warp 4.0 or Higher

    12MB of Memory

    3MB of Disk Space

   Hardware Requirements


    OS/2 Warp 4.0 Compatible System

Getting Help



      Refer to online documentation for assistance

   Service and Technical Support

      Visit our Web Site at

   Defect Reporting

      Fill out a form on our Web Site at

      or Fax your defects to (403) 547 1018

Installing Escape GL


Simply put in your installation disks and enter INSTALL.

If you obtained this version off of the World Wide Web, simply put all of

the downloaded files in an EscapeGL directory and execute 'escgl.exe'.

Late-Breaking News


Escape GL has the ability to use DIVE or the standard graphics interface for

rendering the images on the screen. DIVE uses direct video access to render the

animations faster and smoother. Some video drivers may have a problem with this

mode due to incompatibilities. Using DIVE may also affect the mouse while in

preview mode. If you are having problems running Escape GL, try disabling DIVE.

It is recommended that you also try the full screen preview when using DIVE

before locking up your system.

Fixing DIVE problems

These notes are from the IBM OpenGL documentation and may help you run EscapeGL

in DIVE mode more successfully.

If you are running many OpenGL applications at once, you should have

'SET PRIORITY=ABSOLUTE' in your config.sys file, which will allow OS/2 to give

equal priority to all threads.

OpenGL has problems with some display device drivers. If you are using 24 bit

mode and your OpenGL rendering looks 'quished', try adding


to your config.sys file and reboot. If your rendering looks scattered or

smeared across the screen, you can try playing with OGL_SCANLINE_SIZE. For

example, if your video mode is 1024x768x16 bits per pixel, you can try


in your config.sys. Since your screen width is 1024, and your depth is 16 bits

(=2 bytes), 2048 would be a reasonable guess for the scanline size that your

video card is running at. Use these settings with care, especially if you plan

to change resolution or color depth a lot. Only set them if you are having


If you are running EscapeGL on a Matrox Millenium in 24 bit mode, you must add


to your config.sys file and you may also have to consult your Matrox

documentation for running DIVE demos in 24 bit mode.

*** For more detailed information please refer to OpenGL.doc ***

For futher help on the individual modules including the VRML module, refer

to the help file.



All files and documentation are copyright Snow Storm Software, 1996, 1997

and may not be duplicated, or distributed in any unauthorized manner.

Your Satisfaction


Your satisfaction with Snow Storm Software is important to us.  If

you are not totally satisfied with this product, please contact us


Tell us what is not meeting your expectations and why you are

dissatisfied.  Provide your name, your organizations's name, and

your telephone number so that we can contact you.  We will work with

you to resolve your concerns.

To contact us, use any of these:

   o Telephone worldwide: (403) 547 0669

   o Toll Free: (800) 461 BRRR

   o Internet:

   o Web Site:


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