FotoGet/2 1.09

FotoGet/2 Version 0.9.14 

FotoGet/2 is intended to be a freeware utility to ease the transfer of pictures between a digital camera and your OS/2 (eCS) PC.

The camera must be accessible from OS/2 by a driveletter.

Note: This is not a device driver.

Usage is (and should be) obvious and easy.

There are no switches (yet), no options or whatever, that are not visible on the main window.

FotoGet/2 makes use of the WPS. It optionally creates light tables instead of folders and optionally creates shadows of subfolders on the desktop.

This is the third public release and should be considered a public beta. It fixes a some minor bugs and has a new option to leave the pictures on the camera.

Thanks for everybody, who reported bugs
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