OpenDUNE v0.9 for OS/2

좀딱 1 13,061 2020.10.09 13:19

OpenDUNE for OS/2

1. How to run OpenDUNE

1) Copy Dune v1.07 files to `data' directory1
2) Copy CM32L_CONTROL.ROM and CM32L_PCM.ROM to `roms' directory
3) Copy opendune.ini.sample to opendune.ini to modify default settings

* You SHOULD GET Dune2 v1.07 files and MIDI ROM files by yourself.

2. Tips

* If CPU load is high, set mt32midi of opendune.ini to 0.
* If CPU load is still high, rename `roms' directory to something like
`roms.sav'. This disables MIDI sounds at all.

3. How to build OpenDUNE

3.1. Requirements

  * libkai v2.0.0
  * munt-libmt32emu v2.4.1
  * SDL2 v2.0.4
  * gcc v9.1

3.2. Configure

Just run configure like:

  sh ./configure

3.3. Build

Just run make like:


Then, you'll get opendune.exe in `bin' directory.


마루 2020.10.12 22:40
설마, 그 "듄"?
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